ADCDynArray ha 13 componenti, ciascuna rappresenta un valore letto dagli ADC. Traducendo il chName da float, si ottiene, per ciascun canale
(Vedi tabella a seguito per calcolo degli offset)
- 0 - BeamPhs Beam Phase
- 1 - PhaseWP Phase Working Point
- 2 - AGCWP AGC Working Point
- 3 - RFFrw RF Forward
- 4 - RFLevel RF Level
- 5 - RFRvrsm RF Rverse
- 6 - PhsFdbk Phase Feedback
- 7 - TnrWP Turner Working Point
- 8 - ZMdFdbk Zero Mode Feedback
- 9 - SlideFbk Slide Feedback
- 10- PhErrKly Phase Error Klystron
- 11- WpKlyFbk Working Point Feedback
- 12- Klystron
DACDynArray ha 19 componenti, ciascuna rappresenta un valore scritto dal DAC. Traducendo il chName da float, si ottiene, per ciascun canale
(Vedi tabella a seguito per calcolo degli offset)
- 0 - AbsPhsR Absolute Phase Reference
- 1 - PhsFdbkR Phase Feedback Reference
- 2 - RFLevRef RF Level Reference
- 3 - AGCGain AGC Gain
- 4 - PhsLpGn Phase Loop Gain
- 5 - PhsWndwP
- 6 - PhsWndwM
- 7 - RFLvRefA
- 8 - TnrPhsSh
- 9 - ZMdFdbkP
- 10-Amplitud
- 11-phaseFbk
- 12-SlopeFbk
- 13-ZeroFbk
- 14-ManPhKly
- 15-LowThKly
- 16-HigThKly
- 17-RfFbkOn
- 18-KlyFbkOn
IODynArray ha 14 componenti. Traducendo il chName da float, si ottiene per ciascun canale:
(Vedi tabella a seguito per calcolo degli offset)
- 0 - TnrUpLSw
- 1 - TnrDwLSw
- 2 - PLCAllar
- 3 - FstIntlk
- 4 - ZMdFdbkO
- 5 - TnrDw
- 6 - ResetPLC
- 7 - IMPCW
- 8 - TnrUp
- 9 - AGCOnOff
- 10-PhsFdbkO
- 11-TnrMnAt
- 12-RFOnOff
- 13-ErInOnOf
Detailed description of the dataset with calculated offsets
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 | DBL | elementName | |
08 09 10 11 | I32 | status | |
12 13 14 15 | I32 | consoleName | |
16 17 18 19 | U32 | errorMask | |
20 21 22 23 | U32 | errorMaskADC | |
24 25 26 27 | U32 | errorMaskDAC | |
28 19 30 31 | U32 | errorMaskIO | |
32 | TF | onLine | |
33 | TF | byPass | |
34 | TF | remote | |
35 | TF | busy | |
Beginning of the array of clusters ADCDynArray (Cluster structure must be known) | |||
36 37 38 39 | U16 | nr. of array components | arraySize |
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | DBL | ADCDynArray.chName[0] (36 + 4) + ( i * 24 ) with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] First DBL |
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 | DBL | ADCDynArray.readOut[0] (36 + 4) + ( i * 24 ) + 8 with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] Second DBL |
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 | DBL | ADCDynArray.readOutRaw[0] (36 + 4) + ( i * 24 ) + 16 with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] Third DBL |
... | ... | ... | ... |
End of the array of clusters | |||
Beginning of the array of clusters DACDynArray (Cluster structure must be known) | |||
O1 O1+01 O1+02 O1+03 | U16 | nr. of array components | arraySize |
O1+04 O1+05 O1+06 O1+07 O1+08 O1+09 O1+10 O1+11 | DBL | DACDynArray.chName[0] (O1 + 4) + ( i * 24 ) with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] First DBL |
O1+12 O1+13 O1+14 O1+15 O1+16 O1+17 O1+18 O1+19 | DBL | DACDynArray.setting[0] (O1 + 4) + ( i * 24 ) + 8 with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] Second DBL |
O1+20 O1+21 O1+22 O1+23 O1+24 O1+25 O1+26 O1+27 | DBL | DACDynArray.settingraw[0] (O1 + 4) + ( i * 24 ) + 16 with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] Third DBL |
... | ... | ... | ... |
End of the array of clusters | |||
Beginning of the array of clusters IODynArray (Cluster structure must be known) | |||
O2 O2+01 O2+02 O2+03 | U16 | nr. of array components | arraySize |
O2+04 O2+05 O2+06 O2+07 O2+08 O2+09 O2+10 O2+11 | DBL | IODynArray.chName[0] (O2 + 4) + ( i * 10 ) with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] DBL |
O2+12 O2+13 | TF | IODynArray.value[0] (O2 + 4) + ( i * 10 ) + 8 with i from 0 to ( arraySize - 1) | First component [i=0] TF |
... | ... | ... | |
End of the array of clusters | |||
O3+01 O3+02 O3+03 O3+04 O3+05 O3+06 O3+07 O3+08 | DBL | tunerPosition |