In the following instructions the node cld-np-19, an INFN node, is the one to be reinstalled
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First of all take note of the IP addresses used by the VM for the management and data networks (192.168.60.x and 192.168.61.x) ) and the relevant interfaces
Log on cld-nagios.cloud.pd.infn.it
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cd /etc/nagios/objects/ |
Edit cloudcomputenodes.cfg (or the other file where this compute node is defined) and add a passive check:
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[root@cld-nagios objects]# systemctl restart nagios |
Some Checks
- Verify that Enable the checks in Nagios for this host
Wait till all checks are ok (in particular the VM network and volume one: remember to enable the node just for the time to force the run from Nagios; othwerwise the check will fail.)
- Add this node in the following scripts on cld-ctrl-01: /usr/local/bin/display_usage_of_hypervisors.sh, /usr/local/bin/host_aggregate.sh, /usr/local/bin/new_project.sh, /usr/local/bin/free_resources_compute_nodes.sh
- Add this node in the /etc/cron.daily/vm-log.sh script on cld-log
- on Nagios gets green (only the "VM network" should stay in error)
- Verify that a ssh from root@cld-log to root@cld-np-19 and to root@cld-np-19.cloud.pd.infn.it works without requiring password Create the directory /var/disk-iscsi/qemu/cld-np-19 in cld-log
- Verify that a ssh from root@cld-log to root@cld
- nagios@cld-nagios to nagios@cld-np-19 and to nagios@cld-np-19.cloud.pd.infn.it works without requiring password
Add the new compute node in cld-config:/var/puppet/puppet_yoga/controller_yoga/templates/aai_settings.py.erb
Stop puppet on the 2 controller nodes:
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systemctl stop puppet |
Run puppet on the first controller node (this will trigger a restart of httpd):
Re-enable the compute node
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systemctl start puppet
Enable the host:
language | bash |
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puppet agent -t
Run puppet on the second controller node (this will trigger a restart of httpd):
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| ||
puppet agent -t
Start puppet on the two controller nodes:
openstack compute service set --enable cld-np-19.cloud.pd.infn.it nova-compute
Run the aggregate_manage.sh script to add the node in the relevant hostgroups, e.g.:
Code Block | ||
| ||
/usr/local/bin/aggregate_manage.sh add cld-np-19.cloud.pd.infn.it INFN |
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Within 24 hours, the "VM network" nagios check should get green