- support already present in <ibek-support>
- support present as git project
- support not present at all → put in the condition 2
Use an existing ibek support
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If a support is present in <ibek-support>, it's very simple to use it just create a yaml that instantiates your device(s).
Once the IOC runs correctly as docker can be inserted in the EPIK8S configuration
Build a support from existing git support
This is path is more complex, but gives much more satisfaction, in fact each time you add a new support as much generic possible you greatly simplify the life of your self and in principle many other people will use the your support.
Step 1 create a directory inside ibek-support
Create by copy and renaming one of the existing support. Suppose you want to add the support for <mydevmodule>, you should have:
So in general just two file must be added: install.sh and mydevmodule.ibek.support.yaml.
This file contains instructions on howto retrieve, compile and link dependencies of your module mydevmodule. In general if the mydevmodule is well structured from a build epics point of view needs only to be patched like that:
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#!/bin/bash # ARGUMENTS: # $1 VERSION to install (must match repo tag) VERSION=${1} NAME=<mydevmodule> ## as compare in the git repository FOLDER=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) # log output and abort on failure set -xe # get the source and fix up the configure/RELEASE files ibek support git-clone ${NAME} ${VERSION} --org http://gitrepo ## repository git root ibek support register ${NAME} # declare the libs and DBDs that are required in ioc/iocApp/src/Makefile ibek support add-libs <mydevmodulelib> <support1lib> <support2lib> asyn ## optional libraries that must be linked ibek support add-dbds <mydevmodule>.dbd <optsupport1.dbd> <optsupport2>.dbd ### optional dbd supports # global config settings ${FOLDER}/../_global/install.sh ${NAME} # compile the support module ibek support compile ${NAME} # prepare *.bob, *.pvi, *.ibek.support.yaml for access outside the container. ibek support generate-links ${FOLDER} |
This also has a very simple syntax and gives instructions on how to expand a future yaml configuration.
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# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://github.com/epics-containers/ibek/releases/download/1.5.0/ibek.support.schema.json # #errlogInit(5000) # < envPaths # # Tell EPICS all about the record types, device-support modules, drivers, # # etc. # dbLoadDatabase("../../dbd/newport.dbd") # newport_registerRecordDeviceDriver(pdbbase) # ### Motors # dbLoadTemplate "motor.substitutions.SMC100" # ### Serial port setup # drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("serial1", "/dev/ttyS0", 0, 0, 0) # asynSetOption(serial1,0,baud,57600) # asynOctetSetInputEos("serial1",0,"\r\n") # asynOctetSetOutputEos("serial1",0,"\r\n") # ### Newport SMC100 support # # (driver port, serial port, axis num, ms mov poll, ms idle poll, egu per step) # SMC100CreateController("SMC100_1", "serial1",1, 100, 0, "0.00005") # file "$(TOP)/db/basic_asyn_motor.db" # { # pattern # {P, N, M, DTYP, PORT, ADDR, DESC, EGU, DIR, VELO, VBAS, ACCL, BDST, BVEL, BACC, MRES, PREC, DHLM, DLLM, INIT, RTRY} # {IOC:, 1, "m$(N)", "asynMotor", "SMC100_1", 0, "GTS30V", mm, Pos, 1, 0, .2, 0, .5, .2, 0.00001, 6, 25, -5, ""} # } # iocInit module: motorNewport defs: - name: SMC100CreateController description: |- Creates a SMC100 motion controller connected to an ethernetToSerialServer args: - type: id name: controllerName description: |- The name of the controller and its Asyn Port Name - type: str name: P description: |- Device PV Prefix - type: str name: IP description: |- IP address of the ethernet2serial default: ## localhost - type: int name: TCPPORT description: |- Port of the ethernet2serial default: 4001 - type: int name: POLL description: |- Movement poll ms default: 100 - type: float name: EGUXSTEP description: |- EGU PER STEP default: 0.00005 - type: int name: ASYNPRIO description: |- ASYN PRIORITY, Default : 0 default: 0 - type: int name: AUTOCONNECT description: |- Asyn auto connect 0: Auto connection 1: no Auto connection default: 0 - type: int name: NOPRECESSESOS description: |- ASYN noProcessEos, Default : 0 https://epics.anl.gov/tech-talk/2020/msg01705.php default: 0 - type: int name: numAxes description: |- The number of axes to create pre_init: - value: | # epicsEnvSet "STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", "$(MOTORNEWPORT)/protocol/" # Create Asyn Port drvAsynIPPortConfigure("{{controllerName}}_ASYN", "{{IP}}:{{TCPPORT}}", {{ASYNPRIO}}, {{AUTOCONNECT}}, {{NOPRECESSESOS}}) # asynInterposeEosConfig("{{controllerName}}_ASYN",0,2000,0) SMC100CreateController("SMC100_{{controllerName}}", "{{controllerName}}_ASYN","{{numAxes}}", "{{POLL}}", 0, "{{EGUXSTEP}}") asynOctetSetInputEos({{controllerName}}_ASYN,0,"\r\n") asynOctetSetOutputEos({{controllerName}}_ASYN,0,"\r\n") asynReport 10 - name: motorAxis description: |- Creates a motor axis args: - type: object name: controller description: |- a reference to the motion controller - type: str name: M description: |- PV suffix for the motor record - type: int name: ADDR description: |- The axis number (allowed to be from 0 to controller.numAxes-1) - type: str name: DESC description: |- The description of the axis - type: int name: DLLM description: |- The low limit of the axis default: -5 - type: int name: DHLM description: |- The high limit of the axis default: 25 - type: int name: VELO description: |- Velocity default: 1 - type: int name: home description: |- The home position of the axis (in counts) - type: int name: start description: |- The starting position of the axis (in counts) default: 0 - type: enum name: DIR description: |- The direction of the axis default: 0 values: Pos: 0 Neg: 1 - type: str name: EGU description: |- Engineering Units default: "mm" - type: float name: VBAS description: |- Base Velocity (EGU/s) default: 0.2 - type: float name: ACCL description: |- Seconds to Velocity default: 0.2 - type: int name: BDST description: |- BL Distance (EGU) default: 0 - type: float name: BVEL description: |- BL Velocity (EGU/s) default: 0.5 - type: float name: BACC description: |- BL Seconds to Veloc. default: 0.2 - type: float name: MRES description: |- Motor Step Size (EGU) default: 0.00001 - type: int name: PREC description: |- Display precision (EGU) default: 6 databases: # TODO as this is a simulation I have hard coded some of the DB fields, # but these could easily be made into arguments above # # Note: supplying no value means that the argument of the same name is used # (the most common case - if you contrive to make args and db fields the same. # Which is good idea for ease of transition from traditional IOCs) - file: basic_asyn_motor.db args: P: "{{controller.P}}" N: "{{ADDR +1 }}" M: DTYP: "asynMotor" PORT: "SMC100_{{controller}}" ADDR: DESC: EGU: DIR: VELO: VBAS: ACCL: BDST: BVEL: BACC: MRES: PREC: DHLM: DLLM: INIT: "" post_init: - value: | dbl |
Step 2 add an entry into Dockerfile
Modify the Dockerfile in the project:
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##### build stage ############################################################## ARG TARGET_ARCHITECTURE ARG BASE=7.0.8ec1b3 ARG REGISTRY=ghcr.io/epics-containers FROM ${REGISTRY}/epics-base-${TARGET_ARCHITECTURE}-developer:${BASE} AS developer # The devcontainer mounts the project root to /epics/generic-source # Using the same location here makes devcontainer/runtime differences transparent. ENV SOURCE_FOLDER=/epics/generic-source # connect ioc source folder to its know location RUN ln -s ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/ioc ${IOC} # Get latest ibek while in development. Will come from epics-base when stable COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt RUN pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt WORKDIR ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/ibek-support # copy the global ibek files COPY ibek-support/_global/ _global COPY ibek-support/iocStats/ iocStats RUN iocStats/install.sh 3.2.0 ################################################################################ # TODO - Add further support module installations here ################################################################################ COPY ibek-support/asyn/ asyn/ RUN asyn/install.sh R4-44 COPY ibek-support/autosave/ autosave/ RUN autosave/install.sh R5-11 COPY ibek-support/busy/ busy/ RUN busy/install.sh R1-7-3 COPY ibek-support/StreamDevice/ StreamDevice/ RUN StreamDevice/install.sh 2.8.24 COPY ibek-support/sscan/ sscan/ RUN sscan/install.sh R2-11-6 COPY ibek-support/calc/ calc/ RUN calc/install.sh R3-7-5 COPY ibek-support/motor/ motor/ RUN motor/install.sh R7-3 COPY ibek-support/motorMotorSim/ motorMotorSim/ RUN motorMotorSim/install.sh R1-2 COPY ibek-support/ADCore/ ADCore/ RUN ADCore/install.sh R3-13 COPY ibek-support/ADGenICam ADGenICam/ RUN ADGenICam/install.sh R1-9 COPY ibek-support/ADSimDetector ADSimDetector/ RUN ADSimDetector/install.sh R2-10 COPY ibek-support/modbus/ modbus/ RUN modbus/install.sh R3-3 COPY ibek-support/screen-epics-ioc screen-epics-ioc/ RUN screen-epics-ioc/install.sh v1.3.1 COPY ibek-support/motorNewport motorNewport/ RUN motorNewport/install.sh R1-2-1 # COPY ibek-support/easy-driver-epics/ easy-driver-epics/ # RUN easy-driver-epics/install.sh master COPY ibek-support/mydevmodule mydevmodule ### HERE RUN mydevmodule/install.sh master ## HERE # get the ioc source and build it COPY ioc/ ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/ioc RUN cd ${IOC} && ./install.sh && make ##### runtime preparation stage ################################################ FROM developer AS runtime_prep # get the products from the build stage and reduce to runtime assets only RUN ibek ioc extract-runtime-assets /assets ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/ibek* ##### runtime stage ############################################################ FROM ${REGISTRY}/epics-base-${TARGET_ARCHITECTURE}-runtime:${BASE} AS runtime # get runtime assets from the preparation stage COPY --from=runtime_prep /assets / # install runtime system dependencies, collected from install.sh scripts RUN ibek support apt-install-runtime-packages --skip-non-native ENV TARGET_ARCHITECTURE ${TARGET_ARCHITECTURE} CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "${IOC}/start.sh"] |
Step 3 build docker image and test
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docker build --build-arg TARGET_ARCHITECTURE="linux" --build-arg TARGETARCH="amd64" -t baltig.infn.it:4567/epics-containers/infn-epics-ioc:local ## build |
For test refer to Integration and Standardization existing development (IBEK)existing ibek support