Path: /u2/dcs/source_linux/3_hell/TCP_DCS_readPacket.vi (reentrant)
The task performed by the VI is to read the packet through two separate TCP Read.
The first one gets the 12 byte of the header, whilst the second one gets the 4 bytes of the command that has to be executed and the parameters (if any).
The first TCP Read timeout is set to -1 in order to allow infinite waiting for the header arrival.
The second TCP Read timeout is set to 3000 ms, because it would make no sense to wait for an indefinite time after the reception of the header.
Path: /u2/dcs/source_solaris/common/ethernet/TCP_DCS_testConn.vi
( WARNING: think if this VI must be reentrant or not!!! )
Path: /u2/dcs/source_solaris/globals/GConnList1_eth.vi