Versions Compared


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Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Script location is inside the baltig repository, in the opi submodule.  You need to download it from Baltig or use git clone to download with the whole project.
The script name is installPhoebusWindowsEnvironment.ps1

Using the script for complete installation

If you need the complete installation, open a Powershell and launch the script with the parameter "install"

Code Block
titleesecuzione script per installazione
./installPhoebusWindowsEnvironment.ps1 install

The script is designed to work as user "sparc". If you want install to a different folder, please edit into the script the variable $destinationPath. View filenameinstaller.ps1height250

Using the script for updating the project and the Phoebus Settings

Once your setup is complete and your Phoebus installation is working is possible to use this script to update the epik8-sparc project and getting the updated Phoebus settings, launching the script without any parameter

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titleesecuzione script per installazione

It is possible to launch the script in update version via normal command shell, and also via ssh.
Just add the call to the powershell in the command line, as follows:

Code Block
titleesecuzione script per installazione
powershell ./installPhoebusWindowsEnvironment.ps1 


Download and Setup on Linux
