Versions Compared


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Emergency OUTEnd Run OUTEmergency INEnd Run IN
Yellow, GreenWhite, GreyRed, BlackBrown, Blue

Control Group References

Table of Contents

Subsystem version




Subsystem Description


Finuda Moxa Line : (Rack 80) - (SWDAFNE2B porta 11)

Kloe Moxa Line : (Rack 77) - (SWDAFNE4B porta 21)

Programming languages


DCS environment, TML Lib (Technosoft Motion Library)


Scrapers Dafne Layout

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Hardware Layout

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Hardware Front-end

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The motors are controlled by drives called "MOTION SYSTEM INTERFACE DEVICE" assembled by "RAMTRON Computing".
The box is equipped with two Technosoft drives IDM240-5EI or IDM640-8EI , to operate 2 Stepper Motors

Motor description

2009/2011 series : SloSyn motor with incremental differential Encoder (400 steps/round)

2013 series : MAE motor with incremental differential Encoder HEDS 5645 (200 steps/round)

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Fig. SloSyn Motor connections

Mechanical description

"Encoder" view


Scraper IN

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Scraper OUT

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"Bolt" view


Scraper OUT

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Scraper IN

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ATTENTION! All scrapers have a mechanical gearbox (20:1.5); every 20 turns of the axis the Scraper moves by 1.5 mm.

Operations on Scrapers assembly with RAMTRON drive 

For relative movements the positive steps (by Technosoft Software, Manual-Controller Labview or Low-Level Devil) the Scraper must enter the chamber.

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Relative movement : positive Steps → Scraper IN

DCS Window description


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New features:

[ 1 ] "Ctrl On" function

[ 2 ] "By Pass" function

[ 3 ] "Init" procedures

[ 4 ] "Bad communication" indicator

Operative mode

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Before making any movement, it is necessary to put the axis in Operational Mode using the "Oper" key Tasto operImage Removed.
Oper key (similarly to the magnet control); this operation allows to give current to the phases of the single motor.
It also guarantees safety on any unwanted movements once the set has been found. "Flags for all elements" allows operation on all axes simultaneously.

Two operating modes can be used without distinction. One called Absolute Movement and one called Relative Movement (optimized for fine movement).


Absolute Movement

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Relative Movement

Movimentazione RelativaImage Removed

Enter the value and press "IN" or "OUT" in the desired direction

Single axis homing

The "Home" button is positioned in the Advanced Display as shown in the figure.

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During the Homing phase, the Scrapers performs an automatic procedure that brings it into a completely open state, followed by a reset of the relative encoder,


After the procedure, which takes a maximum of 2 minutes, see if the situation has been reached as shown in the figure:

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Otherwise contact the Control Group.

Save, load and apply configurations

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To recover a configuration (it will be inserted in the Saved column [mm])

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Per recuperare una configurazione (verrà inserita nella colonna Saved[mm] )

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To apply the set in the Saved column [mm] to all the axes simultaneously.



Scraper open : Home position. Simbolo stato finale scrapersImage Removed


Scraper closed: fully inserted. Image Removed




Devil Description "Dante Control System" (DCS)

The system was born to operate with scrapers that have the machine name SCHXXYYY, but the class that manages them is the MOV class,

therefore it has the following MOVXXYNY nomenclature.


Classes: MOV, SER (not implemented; see "Note")

Devils : 689, 699


DCS MOV Class 

Database record


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DCS Commands


Performs the initialisation procedure


Performs the reset procedure






Put the axis on




#steps , IN | OUT


Moves the axis IN or OUT of the number of steps sent as a parameter




rel [mm] ,  IN | OUT , abs [mm]


Moves the axis IN or OUT of the millimeters sent as a parameter










Performs the homing procedure




Writes the value passed as a parameter to the relative register




Writes the value passed as a parameter to the relative register




General purpose command


DCS Devil prefs


At devil start up put all the axis ON and then OFF


Technosoft IDM module programming

EasyMotion Studio is an integrated development environment for the setup and motion programming of Technosoft intelligent drives and motors.

The output of EasyMotion Studio consists of a set of setup data and a motion program, which can be downloaded to the EEPROM of your Technosoft intelligent drive / intelligent motor,

or saved onto your PC for later use.

GettingStartedFirstWindowImage Removed

Link for user manual : Easy Motion Studio by Technosoft

ATTENTION! Please, choose IDM240-5EI or IDM640-8EI > STEPPER > OPEN LOOP > With Incremental Encoder, in the picture below.

GettingStartedNewProjectSelectionImage Removed

IDM240-5EI or IDM640-8EI


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Analogue and Digital I/O connections

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Axis ID / Address configuration.

Cabling diagram of the Scrapers subsystem

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Example from the BTF Scraper System (May 2018) for one axis only.

End Run and Emergency cabling

We used a standard to easily identify the wiring for the end-run and emergency microswitches.



Scrapers Dafne [draft]