EMSK <elementName> N,M
Jira | ||||||||||
CMSG executes a direct Modbus command. In the EEI sub-class it is also possible to set a busy time (sandglass on magterminal)
Jira | ||||||||||
QMSG error: notExecutableCmd
bipolar error: notExecutableCmd
SSLP set slew rate
NOTE: the power supply must stay in STANDBY state to accept the SSLP command.
Specifications for quadrupoles ask for a setting range from 1 to 10 [A/s]
Tested on quadrupoles: the raw setting range is (10,290); lower and higher values are forced to 10 and 290.
The raw setting range for quadrupoles seems wrong: it should be (10,100). It is not clear what happens for settings between 100 and 290.
PSET load current set register