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When you are done with the toolbox, you can remove the deployment kubectl -n rook-ceph delete deploy/rook-ceph-tools.

Ceph Dashboard

The dashboard is a very helpful tool to give you an overview of the status of your Ceph cluster, including overall health, status of the mon quorum, status of the mgr, osd, and other Ceph daemons, view pools and PG status, show logs for the daemons, and more.

The dashboard is enabled by default, if you have not modified the cluster.yaml file. If this is true, doing a get of the services, you should get output similar to the following. The first service is for reporting the Prometheus metrics, while the latter service is for the dashboard.

Code Block
titleRook Services
$ kubectl -n rook-ceph get service -l app=rook-ceph-mgr
NAME                                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
rook-ceph-mgr                            ClusterIP   <none>        9283/TCP         7h48m
rook-ceph-mgr-dashboard                  ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP         7h48m

The simplest way to expose the service is using the NodePort to open a port on the VM that can be accessed by the host. To create a service with the NodePort, use the dashboard-ingress-https.yaml file, present in the same directory as the toolbox. Once the service is implemented, a port will be generated, in the range between 30000-32767, which you will have to open on OpenStack. As mentioned several times, you can choose a port yourself, always in the above range, by inserting the spec.ports.nodePort: <port> parameter in the .yaml file.

Using a browser, connect to the address https://<Master_FIP>:<port>. After you connect to the dashboard you will need to login for secure access. Rook creates a default user named admin and generates a secret called rook-ceph-dashboard-admin-password in the namespace where the Rook Ceph cluster is running. To retrieve the generated password, which can be changed later, you can run the following

Code Block
titleRetrive Password
$ kubectl -n rook-ceph get secret rook-ceph-dashboard-password -o jsonpath="{['data']['password']}" | base64 --decode && echo