Versions Compared


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Key nameSource

Write freq. [Hz]

Data size [byte]


GOD**002_STADEVIL704-2624-LV cluster flattened to str


DEVIL7045.5460.25LV cluster flattened to str



Json document

Static description of the orbit with name, abscissa and index of each element.

  • name: name of the BPM [8-characters srting];
  • s: curvilinear abscissa (along the ring) [m];
  • i: index of element in the 64-DBL arrays. An example of the Json document is:
titleDetailed description

... etc ...


It will be ORB-E-MEAN_BUF
DEVIL7045.510245.5LV 2D-array flattened to str (see description below)

Electrons: average(N) of the orbit (hor + ver)
2 rows of 64 DBL (row 0: hor, row 1: ver) [flattened to str]
64-components array with moving average calculated on the last N samples.

The N number is set by the operators via the orbit control window and can vary continuously. If you want to deal with an orbit averaged over a fixed number of samples, use the "ORB-E-USER_BUF" key instead.

It will be ORB-E-MEANP_BUF
DEVIL7045.510245.5LV 2D-array flattened to str

Positrons: average(N) of the orbit (hor + ver)
2 rows of 64 DBL (row 0: hor, row 1: ver) [flattened to str]
64-components array with moving average calculated on the last N samples.

The N number is set by the operators via the orbit control window and can vary continuously. If you want to deal with an orbit averaged over a fixed number of samples, use the "ORB-E-USER_BUF" key instead.

ORB-E-STDDEV_BUFDEVIL7045.510245.5LV 2D-array flattened to strElectrons: Std. Dev. of the orbit (hor + ver)
2 rows of 64 DBL (row 0: hor, row 1: ver) [flattened to str]
64-components array with standard deviation calculated on the last N samples.

DEVIL7045.510245.5LV 2D-array flattened to strPositrons: Std. Dev. of the orbit (hor + ver)
2 rows of 64 DBL (row 0: hor, row 1: ver) [flattened to str]
64-components array with standard deviation calculated on the last N samples.

DEVIL7045.5~7003.9LV 2D-array flattened to strElectrons: average(8) of the orbit for users (hor + ver)
2 rows of 64 DBL (row 0: hor, row 1: ver) [flattened to str]
64-components array with moving average calculated on the last 8 samples.
ORB-P-USER_BUFDEVIL7045.5~7003.9LV 2D-array flattened to strPositrons: average(8) of the orbit for users (hor + ver)
2 rows of 64 DBL (row 0: hor, row 1: ver) [flattened to str]
64-components array with moving average calculated on the last 8 samples.
