Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Key nameSource

Write freq. [Hz]

Data size [byte]








Cluster of:
- DCTDyn
- 4096 [DBL]

LV cluster [flattened to str]

[0 ............ 168] [..................]
[DCTDyn (169165 bytes)][4] [array of 4096 DBLs]






Cluster of:
- DCTDyn
- 4096 [DBL]

LV cluster [flattened to str]

[0 ............ 168] [..................]

[DCTDyn (169165 bytes)][4] [array of 4096 DBLs]

(temporary key)

(still running in test mode)
432937~256Cluster of:
- DCTDyn
- 4096 [DBL]

LV cluster [flattened to str]

[0 ............ 168] [..................]
[DCTDyn (169165 bytes)][4] [array of 4096 DBLs]

Total throughput


Example of LabVIEW code to use at level 1 to unflatten and extract the DCTDyn and the array od 4096 DBL values. The DCTDyn cluster occupies 169 bytes, then 4096 DBLs follow.


LabVIEW data format

When using languages different from LabVIEW, the "unflatten from string" operator is not available; in these case, you have to decode the LV cluster made of the DCTDyn typeDef + followed by the array of DBLs.


The DCTDyn typeDef format is described below along with an example of its flattened string.

String example

Example of string returned by the LabVIEW function "Flatten To String":

4443 5445 4C30 3032 0000 0064 FFFF FFFF 0100 0100 AABB CCDD 3FF0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 40A8 7918 308A AEBC 4088 6CFB E427 6490 BFD5 2AC4 71B2 A000 0000 0000 0000 0000 BFD5 2AC4 71B2 A000 0000 0005 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4456 4D34 3230 3031 0000 0001 0000 0200 4088 6CE3 1726 8D32 0000 0000 0000 0000 BF50 624D D2F1 A9FC 01

elementName (cast to DBL) 4443 5445 4C30 3032  (DCTEL002)

consoleName (I32) 0000 0064 (10010)

errorMask (U32) FFFF FFFF

sysFlags (online, bypass, remote, busy) 0100 0100 (T F T F)

statusWord (I32) AABB CCDD

<I> (DBL) 3FF0 0000 0000 0000 (-1.000)

Acquisition pointer (array of U32) 0000 0001 0000 0200 (array size (1 component), first component value (51210) )
OFFSET of component is 272

calibration ( DBL) BF50 624D D2F1 A9FC


Array of DBL

Immediately after the DCTDyn it follows an array af DBL of 4096 components. In LabVIEW the array serialization is made by a U32 containing the number of components of the array and then the array itselsf.

Meaningful offsets

The following offsets depends on the number of components of the "tau" array in the DCTDyn cluster. This number of components shouldn't change over time.

ValueOffset [byte]Data type
Acquisition pointer132U32
First component of the data array170[DBL]