The backup scripts are stored in /u3/scripts;
The log files for these scripts are stored in /u3/scripts/logs; These logs are rotated on dafnenfs from logrotate (check last point);
- The script u2_backup.sh is responsible to create a backup of /u2 in /u3/u2_backup and launch nfs_rsync.sh script to rsync data to nascoda1. The u2_backup.sh script is launched by crontab on host dafnenfs every day (see Table 2 for details);
- The script nfs_rsync.sh is responsible to rsync the data from the host where it is launched to nascoda1. It will send an email to Paolo Ciuffetti at his end to inform him on the backup status. It is launched by crontab on host danteweb and vldafneafp every day (see Table 2 for details);
- Both u2_backup.sh and nfs_rsync.sh send a report to andrea.michelotti@lnf.infn.it alessandro.stecchi@lnf.infn.it to notify the backup exit status.
- The host dafnenfs share /u3/scripts; danteweb and vldafneafp mount that folder via NFS on boot (folder present in /etc/fstab);
- The host dafnenfs has a custom configuration for logrotate present in /etc/logrotate.d/nfs_rsync to rotate log files generated by these scripts. It will rotate all log files every day, keeping them compressed in /u3/scripts/logs/old folder for 5 days.