The backup scripts are stored in /u3/scripts;
The log files for these scripts are stored in /u3/scripts/logs; These logs are rotated on dafnenfs from logrotate (check last point);
- The script u2_backup.sh is responsible to create a backup of /u2 in /u3/u2_backup and launch nfs_rsync.sh script to rsync data to nascoda1. The u2_backup.sh script is launched by crontab on host dafnenfs every day (see Table 2 for details);
- The script nfs_rsync.sh is responsible to rsync the data from the host where it is launched to nascoda1. It is launched by crontab on host danteweb and vldafneafp every day (see Table 2 for details);Both u2_backup.sh and nfs_rsync.sh send a report sends an e-mail to andrea.michelotti@lnf.infn.it alessandro.stecchi@lnf.infn.it to notify the backup exit status. It is launched by crontab on host danteweb and vldafneafp every day (see Table 2 for details);
- The host dafnenfs share /u3/scripts; danteweb and vldafneafp mount that folder via NFS on boot (folder present in /etc/fstab);
- The host dafnenfs has a custom configuration for logrotate present in /etc/logrotate.d/nfs_rsync to rotate log files generated by these scripts. It will rotate all log files every day, keeping them compressed in /u3/scripts/logs/old folder for 5 days.