Code Block |
language | yml |
title | AlertmanagerConfigAlertmanagerConfigMail.yaml |
collapse | true |
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: AlertmanagerConfig
name: alert-email
namespace: monitoring
alertmanager: config
groupBy: [severity]
receiver: 'notifications'
groupWait: 30s
groupInterval: 5m
repeatInterval: 12h
- name: 'notifications'
- to: <to@example.com>
from: <from@gmail.com>
smarthost: smtp.gmail.com:587
authUsername: <from@gmail.com>
authIdentity: <from@gmail.com>
name: gmail-pass
key: alertmanager.yaml
sendResolved: true
- key: From
value: <from@gmail.com>
- key: Subject
value: 'Alertmanager notification'
- key: To
value: <to@example.com>
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
name: gmail-pass
namespace: monitoring
alertmanager.yaml: <pass_encode_base64> |
After executing an apply
of the above file, it is advisable to take a look at the logs of the following Pods, to see if there are any errors during the execution
Code Block |
language | bash |
title | Check the logs |
collapse | true |
$ kubectl logs -n monitoring pod/mon-kube-prometheus-stack-operator-bcf97f54f-w8s7j
level=info ts=2021-08-20T10:44:28.791312171Z caller=operator.go:1221 component=prometheusoperator key=monitoring/mon-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus msg="sync prometheus"
level=info ts=2021-08-20T10:44:28.875362927Z caller=operator.go:742 component=alertmanageroperator key=monitoring/mon-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager msg="sync alertmanager"
$ kubectl logs -n monitoring pod/alertmanager-mon-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager-0
level=info ts=2021-08-20T10:34:03.964Z caller=coordinator.go:113 component=configuration msg="Loading configuration file" file=/etc/alertmanager/config/alertmanager.yaml
level=info ts=2021-08-20T10:34:03.964Z caller=coordinator.go:126 component=configuration msg="Completed loading of configuration file" file=/etc/alertmanager/config/alertmanager.yaml |
From the above logs you can read what is the path, inside the Pod Alertmanager-0
, in which the newly added configurations are saved. This information can also be found in the Alertmanager dashboard. To reach it, simply expose the service (via ingress or NodePort)
Code Block |
language | bash |
title | Alertmanager service |
collapse | true |
$ kubectl get -n monitoring svc mon-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager
mon-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP 9d |
Within the dashboard you will find the same alerts of the Prometheus UI and, moreover, you can silence them for a defined period of time, filter them if there were many and much more. Finally, try to generate some alerts, if you do not want to wait for some error to occur spontaneously, and verify the receipt of the e-mail at the address indicated in the configuration of the AlertmanagerConfig
component. You can, for example, reactivate the rateGraph or rateAlerts rules already used previously, as in the screenshot below
Image AddedAlertmanager UI
Send alert via Slack
If you want to receive notifications via Slack, you should be part of a Slack workspace. To set up alerting in your Slack workspace, you’re going to need a Slack API URL. Go to Slack -> Administration -> Manage apps. In the Manage apps directory, search for Incoming WebHooks and add it to your Slack workspace. Next, specify in which channel you’d like to receive notifications from Alertmanager. After you confirm and add Incoming WebHooks integration, Webhook URL is displayed (copy it).
Section |
Column |
| Image AddedManage Apps
Column |
| Image AddedIncoming WebHooks
At this point, as seen previously, we create an AlertmanagerConfig
component for sending notifications to Slack, using the following file. Complete the file by replacing the two placeholders: the name of the Slack channel
, in which to receive notifications, and the apiURL
, in the Secret
at the bottom, encoded in base64 (echo <apiURL> | base64 -w0
). Then proceed with the apply
of the file.
Code Block |
language | yml |
title | AlertmanagerConfigSlack.yaml |
collapse | true |
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: AlertmanagerConfig
name: alert-slack
namespace: monitoring
alertmanager: config
groupBy: [severity]
receiver: 'slack-notifications'
groupWait: 30s
groupInterval: 5m
repeatInterval: 12h
- name: 'slack-notifications'
- channel: '<#channel>'
name: slack-pass
key: alertmanager.yaml
sendResolved: true
# The following lines can be omitted, they have only an aesthetic value
iconURL: 'https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/3380462'
title: |-
[{{ .Status | toUpper }}{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}:{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}{{ end }}] {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} for {{ .CommonLabels.job }}
{{- if gt (len .CommonLabels) (len .GroupLabels) -}}
{{" "}}(
{{- with .CommonLabels.Remove .GroupLabels.Names }}
{{- range $index, $label := .SortedPairs -}}
{{ if $index }}, {{ end }}
{{- $label.Name }}="{{ $label.Value -}}"
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
text: >-
{{ range .Alerts -}}
*Alert:* {{ .Annotations.title }}{{ if .Labels.severity }} - `{{ .Labels.severity }}`{{ end }}
*Description:* {{ .Annotations.description }}
{{ range .Labels.SortedPairs }} • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
name: slack-pass
namespace: monitoring
alertmanager.yaml: <apiURL_encode_base64> |
If everything went smoothly (remember to always take a look at the logs of the Alertmanager-0
pod), you should get, in the chosen channel, a result similar to the following. We have 2 notifications for a single alert because we used the sendResolved
option in the configuration file above, in order to be notified also when the problem is resolved.
Section |
Column |
| Image AddedSlack Alert Firing
Column |
| Image AddedSlack Alert Resolved