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Preliminary informations


  • Needed configuration files:
    • /u2/dcs/db/DBFiles_2/IPTable.DBFile

    • /u2/dcs/script_linux/.DCS_Environment_eth

  • On the web server, the IPTable.DBFile file is rsynced from crontab every 5 minutes


devil_manager web application

To The devil_manager web application permits to check the ethernet devil status statuses or to restart them, you can use the devil_manager web application. This web app allows you the user to directly open a VNC session for every single ethernet devil (linux or windows) to check what is going on. It also check the state (alive) every 30 seconds and let you restart the allows the restart of any devil in a very easy way. The web app uses a proxy script that check the passed received parameters (semantic and syntactic) from the app and call the real reboot script on the remote host: This is the workflow:

Code Block
titleApplication Workflow
Web Application:


	Proxy Script: /opt/ <ip> <devil_number> [-f]


		SSH on remote host where the devil to be rebooted is running


			/u2/dcs/script_linux/ <restart|force_restart> <DEVIL NUMBER>

Those passages are completely transparent to the user (the security is granted thanks to sudoers usage and restriction rules for apache user).


This is the syntax of the script:

Code Block
languagebash usage
$ /u2/dcs/script_linux/ <start|restart|force_restart|stop> <devil_number|all>

The possible commands are start, restart, force_restart and stop, while the parameters to be passed to the script are the Devil number to be rebooted or all that launch the command on every configured devil on that host.
