Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Other protocols which are commonly used at INFN-Tier-1 are posix, GridFTP, XrootD, WebDAV/http.


To transfer a file without SRM, globus-url-copy is commonly used. It is a command line program for file transfers which implements different protocols, among which gridFTP, an extension of FTP for file transfers. It supports parallel transfer streams and third-party-copy.

A personal certificate is required in order to use gridFTP. Also, the user DN has to be enabled on the gridFTP server by the sysadmin. The DN can be obtained from the certificate using the command:

openssl x509 -noout -in $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem -subject

Then, it should be communicated to the User Support team in order to be enabled.

Before performing the actual file transfer, it is necessary to generate a proxy with the command:


By default, the proxy lasts 12 hours. In order to extend proxy life time, the following options can be used:

    -valid HOURS:MINUTES
-hours HOURS

For example:

-bash-4.2$ grid-proxy-init -hours 48
Your identity: /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=IT/O=Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare/CN=Andrea Rendina
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ...................................... Done
Your proxy is valid until: Sun Aug 2 17:47:32 2020

After that, we can perform the transfers. This depends on the permissions and the access control list on the filesystem.
To write:

globus-url-copy <local_path>/file gsi<remote_path>/file

To read, i.e. to get a local copy:

globus-url-copy gsi<remote_path>/file local_copy

The <remote_path> (something like: /storage/gpfs_data/experiment) will be communicated to the user by the User Support team.
Note that the 
globus-url-copy command allows to do a third-part-copy of a file without getting a local copy on your own device.
This works with a simple concatenation of read and write:

globus-url-copy gsi<source_remote_path_>/file gsi<destination_remote_path>/new_file

You can also use the gfal tools, that are explained in the following paragraphs, for example to list the files of a directory or remove a file:


All the SRM specifications are available here [13].

In this case, a voms-proxy is needed (see in the previous sections for details on proxy generation).


In contrast to the gridFTP protocol, we have to contact a StoRM frontend on the door 8444. Then the frontend communicates the request to a backend [14].

The Virual Organizations use dedicated endpoint storm for data managemant and data transfer:
















For example, AMS use storm-fe-ams for the disco area (/storage/gpfs_ams), but storm-archive to write on the buffer tape (/storage/gpfs_archive/ams).

Also, the path to read or write is not the real path on the filesystem, but all the experiments use a singular access path to the storage area.

Now we consider two tools for the SRM protocol: Gfal utils e ClientSRM.

2.3.1 Gfal utils

$ gfal-ls srm://

L’access path “virgo4” punta (nella configurazione dell’endpoint storm) a /storage/gpfs_virgo/virgo4.

$ gfal-copy srm:// .

Copying srm://   [DONE]  after 4s

$ gfal-rm srm://

srm:// DELETED

$ gfal-copy /etc/services srm://

Copying file:///etc/services   [DONE]  after 4s

$ gfal-sum srm:// ADLER32

srm:// 6408a0a8

(Di default, StoRM salva per i file che processa il checksum di tipo ADLER32 in un attributo dedicato:

# getfattr -d /storage/gpfs_virgo4/virgo4/prova_lucia

getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names

# file: storage/gpfs_virgo4/virgo4/prova_lucia



Tutti i comandi gfal:

2.3.2 clientSRM utils:

Con questi tool:

  • leggere un file equivale a fare una clientSRM PrepareToGet, una o più clientSRM StatusPrepareToGet, globus-url-copy.
  • scrivere un file equivale a fare una clientSRM PrepareToPut, una o più clientSRM StatusPrepareToPut, globus-url-copy e una clientSRM PutDone.

Tutti questi passaggi di cui gfal è un wrapper semplificato possono essere utili per debuggare e capire dove sta un problema (se lato backend o lato gridftp).

Esempio di scrittura:

(obbligatorio specificare l’endpoint con la porta e il SURL su cui si vuole andare a scrivere)

$ clientSRM PtP -e httpg:// -s srm://


Sending PtP request to: httpg://

Before execute:

Afer execute:

Request Status Code 17

Poll Flag 0


Request status:



SRM Response:


  arrayOfFileStatuses (size=1)

   [0] SURL="srm://"

   [0] status: statusCode="SRM_REQUEST_QUEUED"(17)



Verificare lo status passando il token (step che può essere evitato con l’opzione -p a clientSRM PtP):

$ clientSRM SPtP -e httpg:// -t "f0d142d9-06d0-46a0-a822-d9903ab051f9"


Sending StatusPtP request to: httpg://

Before execute:

Afer execute:

Request Status Code 0

Poll Flag 0


Request status:


  explanation="All chunks successfully handled!"


SRM Response:

  arrayOfFileStatuses (size=1)

   [0] SURL="srm://"

   [0] status: statusCode="SRM_SPACE_AVAILABLE"(24)

               explanation="srmPrepareToPut successfully handled!"

   [0] TURL="gsi"


Il TURL così ottenuto (notare che contiene un gridftp di storm-archive, ds-915) può essere usato per fare la copia su file locale “copia”:

$ globus-url-copy gsi copia

Occorre terminare con una PutDone, perché la richiesta non resti aperta nel database di StoRM:

$ clientSRM Pd -e httpg:// -t "9bcfa6fa-8626-4f8e-a1a3-0947fc449736" -s srm://


Sending PutDone request to: httpg://

Before execute:

Afer execute:

Request Status Code 0

Poll Flag 0


Request status:


  explanation="All file requests are successfully completed"


SRM Response:

  arrayOfFileStatuses (size=1)

   [0] SURL="srm://"

   [0] status: statusCode="SRM_SUCCESS"(0)



Tutti i comandi clientSRM:

In case of local to remote transfer, you have to request the storage space in the destination filesystem and this is done with the command clientSRM PTP, where PTP stands for Prepare To Put. In case of remote to local transfer the command is clientSRM PTG, where PTG stands for Prepare To Get.

clientSRM PTP –v NIG -e httpg:// -s srm:// 
clientSRM PTG –v NIG -e httpg:// -s srm://
  • -v is the verbose level,
  • -e is used to specify the endpoint,
  • -s is used to specify the destination surl, which is composed by a space token (virgo4 in the example) and the file path. The space token will be communicated by the Experiment Support group.

and the complete list of options is listed by the command clientSRM PTP -help or in [17]. The output should be something like this:

poll: 0
verbose level: NIG
Input data:
arrayOfFileRequests (size=1)
\[0\] targetSURL="srm://"
\[0\] expectedFileSize=NULL
Sending PtP request to: httpg://
Before execute:
Afer execute:
Request Status Code 17
Poll Flag 0
Request status:
SRM Response:
arrayOfFileStatuses (size=1)
\[0\] SURL="srm://"
\[0\] status: statusCode="SRM_REQUEST_QUEUED"(17)
\[0\] fileSize=NULL
\[0\] estimatedWaitTime=NULL
\[0\] remainingPinLifetime=NULL
\[0\] remainingFileLifetime=NULL
\[0\] transferProtocolInfo=NULL

It is important to pay attention to the request token, which will be used later. Then it is necessary to check the status of the request with clientSRM SPTP (Status of Prepare To Put) or clientSRM SPTG (Status of Prepare To Get).

clientSRM SPTP -v -e httpg:// -t fd5256b6-5cb3-4fe2-a82d-3ba316f1f1f8
clientSRM SPTG -v -e httpg:// -t fd5256b6-5cb3-4fe2-a82d-3ba316f1f1f8

where with –t you provide the token shown in the output of the clientSRM PTP command. The output will show you whether the request is successful in the status field.

Sending StatusPtP request to: httpg://
Before execute:
Afer execute:
Request Status Code 0
Poll Flag 0
Request status:
explanation="All chunks successfully handled!"
SRM Response:
  arrayOfFileStatuses (size=1)
      \[0\] SURL="srm://"
      \[0\] status: statusCode="{*}SRM_SPACE_AVAILABLE{*}"(24)
             explanation="srmPrepareToPut successfully handled!"
      \[0\] *TURL="gsi"*

It is important to remember the TURL which will be used in transfer command with globus-url-copy command. After that we can perform the file transfer. In case of local to remote:

globus-url-copy file:///<local_path>/file gsi

or in case of remote to local:

globus-url-copy gsi* *file:///<local_path>/file

The full list of the available options is available using:

man globus-url-copy

Some useful options:

  • -f FILENAME : Read a list of URL pairs from filename. Each line should contain sourceURL destURL. Enclose URLs with spaces in double qoutes ("). Blank lines and lines beginning with # will be ignored.
  • -df FILENAME, -dumpfile FILENAME : Path to a file where untransferred URLs will be saved for later restarting. Resulting file is the same format as the -f input file. If file exists, it will be read and all other URL input will be ignored.
  • -cd, -create-dest : Create destination directory if needed.
  • -r : Copy files in subdirectories
  • -v, -verbose : Display URLs being transferred
  • -p PARALLELISM, -parallel PARALLELISM : pecify the number of parallel data connections should be used.
  • -list URL : List the files located at URL.
  • -sync : Only transfer files where the destination does not exist or differs from the source. -sync-level controls how to determine if files differ.
  • -sync-level number : Criteria for determining if files differ when performing a sync transfer. The default sync level is 2.
    The available levels are:
    • Level 0: will only transfer if the destination does not exist.
    • Level 1: will transfer if the size of the destination does not match the size of the source.
    • Level 2: will transfer if the time stamp of the destination is older than the time stamp of the source.
    • Level 3: will perform a checksum of the source and destination and transfer if the checksums do not match.

To list the file in a directory, you can use the command clientSRM LS.

clientSRM Ls -e httpg:// -s srm://

More information on using SRM clients can be found here [18].


Wiki Markup
Documentation is available here \[22\].
These are the steps to install Gfal assuming the machine is CentOS7:
  1. Enable epel repo:
    curl >/tmp/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
    sudo rpm -ivh /tmp/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  2. Enable egi repo:
    echo '\[EGI-trustanchors\]name=EGI-trustanchorsbaseurl=' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/egi.repo
  3. Install several tools:
    sudo yum install -y gfal2-util gfal2-all fetch-crl ca-policy-egi-core globus-proxy-utils
  4. Install personal certificate on the machine:
    cd $HOME
    mkdir -p .globus
    cd .globus
    openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in cert.p12 -out usercert.pem
    openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in cert.p12 -out userkey.pem
    chmod 600 usercert.pem
    chmod 400 userkey.pem

To check all is correctly working:

grid-proxy-init -valid 168:00
gfal-copy --version

The last command should produce a list of the available protocols. The list should include gridftp. If this is not the case, try to do: yum update
Here an example, to copy file:
gfal-copy /home/CTA/tenticta/file_1MB srm:// /
GFal options are very similar to the ones of lcg-utils. You could get the full list using the command: man gfal-copy
Most used commands are:

  • gfal-ls: List information about the file
  • gfal-xattr: Display attributes of a file or set them to a new value
  • gfal-cat: Concatenate file to standard output
  • gfal-mkdir: Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist
  • gfal-stat: Display extended information about a file or directory
  • gfal-chmod: Change the permissions of a file
  • gfal-rename: Renames SOURCE to DESTINATION
  • gfal-sum: Calculates the checksum of the specified file, using a specified checksum algoritm
  • gfal-rm: Removes each specified file or directory
  • gfal-save: Reads from stdin and writes to a file until it finds EOF


At INFN-Tier-1, valid WebDAV endpoints for the experiments’ storage areas are provided with StoRM WebDAV (third-party-copy supported) or Apache.

Then, the most common WebDAV clients can be used to access the storage areas, namely browsers and command-line tools such as curl and davix.

When StoRM WebDAV is used, VOMS proxies are supported only by command-line tool, and browsers can be used to navigate into the storage area content if anonymous read-only access is enabled (HTTP endpoint) or if VO users access through their X509 certificate is enabled (HTTPS endpoint).

StoRM WebDAV also supports OpenID connect authentication and authorization on storage areas, so tokens can be used instead of proxies[23]. Dedicated IAM (Identity and Access Management) instances can be configured for the experiments upon requests (please ocntact the user support).

As currently StoRM WebDAV does not support group-based authorization, for such use-case we provide a dedicated Apache server and a catch-all IAM instance available at, where registered users are assigned to specific groups.

Once registered within IAM, an access token can be retrieved via browser or dedicated script from a registered IAM client, and such access token, exported in an environment variable, can be used instead of the VOMS proxy to access the storage area with http clients (see below for examples).

A few useful commands follow, more info are available in the wiki[25].


  • Tape area path will be provided by CNAF.
  • Files located in the tape area are pre-migrated on tape
  • Subsequently system can delete them from disk if disk space is needed (however the files remain on tape)


  • To know if a file is on the disk, it is sufficient to check file dimension (i.e.: ls -ls)
  • If the file has null dimension, it is not physically present on the disk


lcg-ls -c 100 -v -l srm://


SE type: SRMv2


clientSRM ls -l -v NIG -e <endpoint> -s <file-SURL>


gfal-xattr <file-SURL>


To recall files from tape, it is necessary to provide the list of the file to be recalled. CNAF will recall them.


Wiki Markup
To recall files from tape, you can use clientSRM \[17\] command with the option bol (which stands for Bring On Line). 
*clientSRM* *bol -e httpg://*  *-s srm://*
Where –e option provides the end-point to contact, -s option provides the SURL of the files. Nw, your recall request is queued. N.B. Remember the requestToken (for example: requestToken="ea8b525d-1b12-47a5-b8d5-6935ebc53003") which appears in the output of the previous command, because you can later use it to know the status of your request, i.e.: 
*clientSRM* *sbol -e httpg://*  *-t "ea8b525d-1b12-47a5-b8d5-6935ebc53003"*