version | DEVILs |
newOCEM_3.4 | 664, 665, 671, 614 For test from 3.2: , 626, 633 |
ABANDONED (note: some sub-VIs can still have the "_3.3" version in their names) | |
newOCEM_3.2 | 652, 655, 647, 650, 659, 672, 683, 682, 696, 697, 695, 692 [!C], 693 [!C], 694 [!C], 691 [!C], 673, 674, 675, 676, 678, 644,627, 635 |
_eth | tutti gli altri DEVILs con classe MG1 |
Note |
Le versioni _newOCEM_3.3 – utilizzate sino al 15/12/2021 sui DEVIL 664 e 665 sulla vldantedev028 – sono state rimpiazzate dalle _newOCEM_3.4. |
Impostazione GMG1Dyn all'avvio del DEVIL
Pulsed Dipole | DP01 | DHPTB102 | 00:90:E8:67:18:61 | | C0A8BE9D | 1 | 2 | SABTF2-001 |
DC Dipole | DH01 | DHSTB201 | 00:90:E8:66:74:D2 | | C0A8BE9E | 3 | 4 | SABTF2-001 |
DC Dipole | DH02 | DHSTB202 | 00:90:E8:66:74:DC | | C0A8BE9F | 5 | 6 | SABTF2-003 |
DC Dipole | DC01 | DHSTB203 | 00:90:E8:63:EB:5B | | C0A8BEA0 | 7 | 8 | SABTF2-003 |
DC Quadrupole | QUAD01 | QUATB201 | 00:90:E8:67:16:06 | | C0A8BE97 | 20 | 19 | SABTF2-002 |
DC Quadrupole | QUAD02 | QUATB202 | 00:90:E8:66:74:D3 | | C0A8BE98 | 18 | 17 | SABTF2-002 |
DC Quadrupole | QUAD03 | QUATB203 | 00:90:E8:63:EB:6A | | C0A8BE99 | 16 | 15 | SABTF2-002 |
DC Quadrupole | QUAD04 | QUATB204 | 00:90:E8:67:16:07 | | C0A8BE9A | 14 | 13 | SABTF2-002 |
DC Quadrupole | QUAD05 | QUATB205 | 00:90:E8:66:74:D5 | | C0A8BE9B | 12 | 11 | SABTF2-002 |
DC Quadrupole | QUAD06 | QUATB206 | 00:90:E8:67:18:58 | | C0A8BE9C | 10 | 9 | SABTF2-002 |
Link of another table with the same information:
New elemType descriptors
Table of new elemType descriptors. For a full description of these descriptors click here
NOTE (*): byte 1 and byte 3 are decoded by the elemType2InterfaceType VI only for some PS classes:
- byte 1 is meaningful only for SYS8X00 and serial Modbus
- byte 3 is meaningful only for E642 and EEI
- byte 0 and byte 2 do not depend on "protocol" and are passed through as they are.
Be aware that byte 1 and byte 3 can also be used to discriminate other classes (besides those mentioned above) but, in that case, they have to be interpreted by a dedicated piece of code.
Pattern for EEI
byte 3 01 = Type quadrupole DC, 02 = Type dipole DC, 03 = Type dipole pseudo-pulsed
byte 2 00 = bipolar, 01 = unipolar with remote control of polarity change
byte 1 xx = interface type (unique in this case ?) TO BE DECIDED: maybe the pseudo-pulsed should be different
byte 0 07 = Protocol EEI
Pattern for CAENels NGPS
byte 3 xx = TO BE DECIDED
byte 2 xx = TO BE DECIDED
byte 1 xx = TO BE DECIDED
byte 0 08 = Protocol CAENels NGPS
How to search for a specific elemType in all DBSta files
Code Block | ||
| ||
... etc ...
-- |
The first byte of the elementType field, indicates the PS protocol (e.g. in the above example, "00" indicates the protocol SYS8X00).
Using the egrep command
Excerpt from MG1 class documentation
Excerpt Include | ||||
Ethernet connection
Questi alimentatori si connettono in Ethernet e quindi abbiamo lo stesso problema degli alimentatori Genesys e CAENels Easy Driver.
Anche quì, si usa un canale seriale fake per ogni alimentatore e si mette l'IP nel campo subID2.
P.es.: l'IP si scrive come con 4 HEX come C0A8BE83
Sviluppo di Command e Control
Si parte dalle versioni _newOCEM_3.3.vi create per i CAENels Easy Driver
dalle versioni _newOCEM_3.3.vi create per i CAENels Easy Driver
Jira server INFN Ticketing System columnIds issuekey,summary,issuetype,created,updated,assignee,priority,status,resolution columns key,summary,type,created,updated,assignee,priority,status,resolution maximumIssues 20 jqlQuery key = lnfdcs-56 serverId 8087fedc-8816-3706-9e66-78f987f39e0c
Modifiche rispetto alle versioni precedenti
Note |
Le versioni _newOCEM_3.3 – utilizzate sino al 15/12/2021 sui DEVIL 664 e 665 sulla vldantedev028 – sono state rimpiazzate dalle _newOCEM_3.4. |
MG1Ctrl_newOCEM_3.4.vi EEI in progress, CAENels NGPS beta
MG1Cmd_newOCEM_3.4.vi EEI in progress, CAENels NGPS beta
initHWMG1_newOCEM_3.4.vi EEI in progress, CAENels NGPS beta
closeMG1_3.4.vi EEI in progress, CAENels NGPS ready
.../0_classes/MG1/cmd/exeCmd(MG1)_3.4.vi EEI, CAENels NGPS
.../0_classes/MG1/cmd/startCmd-MG1_3.4.vi EEI, CAENels NGPS
.../0_classes/MG1/cmd/bypass-MG1_eth_3.3.vi EEI, CAENels NGPS
.../0_classes/MG1/cmd/libraries/elemType2InterfaceType_3.3.vi EEI, CAENels NGPS
.../0_classes/MG1/cmd/libraries/SWTCFinalDataCheckE642_3.3.vi EEI, CAENels NGPS
.../0_classes/MG1/cmd/libraries/SWTCSeekLastData_3.3.vi EEI, CAENels NGPS