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Table of Contents


NameInstitutionMail AddressSocial Contacts
Leonardo GianniniINFN Sezione di Pisa /
Tommaso BoccaliINFN Sezione di Pisatommaso.boccali@pi.infn.itSkype: tomboc73; Hangouts:

How to Obtain Support

General Information

ML/DL TechnologiesLSTM, CNN
Science FieldsHigh Energy Physics
Typefully annotated and runnable


Presentation made on :

Software and Tools

Programming LanguagePython
ML ToolsetKeras + Tensorflow
Additional librariesuproot
Suggested EnvironmentsINFN-Cloud VM, bare Linux Node, Google CoLab

Needed datasets

Data CreatorCMS Experiment
Data TypeSimulation
Data Size1 GB
Data SourceINFN Pandora

Short Description of the Use Case

Jets originating form b quarks have peculiar characteristics that one can exploit to discriminate them from jets originating from light quarks and gluons, and to better reconstruct their momentum.  Both tasks have been dealt with using ML and are now tackled with Deep Learning techniques.


A complete explanation of the tutorial is available for download here.

How to execute it

Way #1: Use Googe Colab 

Google's Colaboratory ( is tool offered by Google which offers a Jupyter like environment on a Google hosted machine, with some added features, like the possibility to attach a GPU or a TPU if needed.


In the following the most important excerpts are described.

Way #2: Use Python from a ML-INFN Virtual machine

Another option is to use not Colab, but a real VM as made available by ML-INFN (LINK MISSING), or any properly configured host.


davix-get test93_0_20000.npz
davix-get test93_20000_40000.npz

Way #3: Use Jupyter notebooks from a ML-INFN Virtual machine

This way is somehow intermediate between #1 and #2. It still uses a browser environment and a Jupyter notebook, but the processing engine is on a ML-INFN instead of Google's public cloud.

You can get access to a Jupyter environment from XXX (same machine as #2), but insted instead from logging on that via ssh, you connect to hestname:888 8888 and provide the password you selected at creation time. At than point, you can upload the .ipynb notebooks from

Annotated Description

What is (jet) b-tagging?

It is the identification (or "tagging") of jets originating from bottom quark.


  • Efficient and robust tracking needed
  • Displaced tracks
    • with good IP resolution
  • Secondary vertex reconstruction

Typical b-tagging algorithms @ CMS


  • Can use single discriminating variables


  • 3 categories: vertex - no vertex - pseudovertex depending on the reconstruction of a secondary decay vertex;
  • ~ 20 “tagging variables”, among which the parameters of a track subset, the presence of secondary vertices and leptons.

A new b-tagging algorithm

The rest of the tutorial focuses on the development of a "toy but realistic DNN algorithm", which includes vertexing, instead of having vertexing results as pre-computed input. Its inputs is, thus, mostly tracks. The real system, used by CMS, has better performance than the DeepCSV, with a (preliminary) ROC


Long-Short term memories (LSTM) are used in order to reduce the parameter count, since there is no reason to believe that any of the 20 tracks per "seed" should be treated differently. After the application of the LSTM, convolutional filters and dense layers are used to are used scale to 4 output classes ("b","c", "uds", "gluon").

The tutorial

The tutorial includes 5 Jupyter Notebooks, which can be run under Google's Colab. In order to be able and run and modify files, please use the link "Open in playground" as in the picture below, or generate a private copy of the notebook from the File menu.

Notebook #1: plot_NNinput.ipynb

This notebook loads a file containing precomputed features from MC events (from CMS), including reconstructed features and Monte Carlo Truth.


  • data relative to 20000 jets
  • 52 variables per jet
Ntuple content kinematics
0. "jet_pt"
1. "jet_eta"
# of particles / vertices
2. "nCpfcand"
3. "nNpfcand",
4. "nsv",
5. "npv",
6. "n_seeds",
b tagging discriminataing variables
7. "TagVarCSV_trackSumJetEtRatio"
8. "TagVarCSV_trackSumJetDeltaR",
9. "TagVarCSV_vertexCategory",
10. "TagVarCSV_trackSip2dValAboveCharm",
11. "TagVarCSV_trackSip2dSigAboveCharm",
12. "TagVarCSV_trackSip3dValAboveCharm",
13. "TagVarCSV_trackSip3dSigAboveCharm",
14. "TagVarCSV_jetNSelectedTracks",
15. "TagVarCSV_jetNTracksEtaRel",
other kinematics
16. "jet_corr_pt",
17. "jet_phi",
18. "jet_mass",
19. detailed truth
19. "isB",
20. "isGBB",
21. "isBB",


41. "isPhysG",
42. "isPhysUndefined"
truth (6 categories)
43. "isB*1",
44. "isBB+isGBB",
45. "isLeptonicB+isLeptonicB_C",
46. "isC+isGCC+isCC",
47. "isUD+isS",
48. "isG*1",
49. "isUndefined*1",

truth as integer (used in the notebook)
50. "5x(isB+isBB+isGBB+isLeptonicB+isLeptonicB_C)+4x(isC+isGCC+isCC)+1x(isUD+isS)+21xisG+0xisUndefined",
alternative definition
51. "5x(isPhysB+isPhysBB+isPhysGBB+isPhysLeptonicB+isPhysLeptonicB_C)+4x(isPhysC+isPhysGCC+isPhysCC)+1x(isPhysUD+isPhysS)+21xisPhysG+0xisPhysUndefined"



categories=[isB, isC, isL, isG]

Plotting a ROC

A ROC curve can be constructed, using a scan on a specific input (use TagVarCSV_trackSip2dSigAboveCharm here), with the code 


# b vs light and gluon roc curve 
# B vs other categories -> we use isB

isBvsC = isB[isB+isC]
isBvsUSDG = isB[isB+isL+isG]

# B vs ALL roc curve

fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(isB,jetvars[:,11])
auc1 = auc(fpr, tpr)

# B vs c

fpr2, tpr2, threshold = roc_curve(isBvsC,jetvars[:,11][isB+isC])
auc2 = auc(fpr2, tpr2)

# B vs light/gluon

fpr3, tpr3, threshold = roc_curve(isBvsUSDG, jetvars[:,11][isB+isL+isG])
auc3 = auc(fpr3, tpr3)

# print AUC

print (auc1, auc2, auc3)

pyplot.plot(tpr,fpr,label="vs all")
pyplot.plot(tpr2,fpr2,label="vs c")
pyplot.plot(tpr3,fpr3,label="vs l")
pyplot.xlabel("sig. efficiency")
pyplot.ylabel("bkg. mistag rate")
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right')

Notebook #2: plot_seedingTrackFeatures.ipynb

It is very similar to previous example, but looks into the other ntuples in the file, which we did not consider before


You can go on studying these features.

Notebook #3: keras_DNN.ipynb

This notebook trains a Dense network using the input features described in the previous sections.


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.title('model loss')
plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')

This is somehow counterintuitive with what we are usually taught: "loss will be lower on train than on validation samples, since the network tends to learn the specific quirks of a sample – this is usually called overtraining". Here we see the opposite, how can it be?

The solution comes from the fact that indeed, precisely in order to avoid overtraining, we have inserted in the network above Dropout layers. Their function is to randomly delete a fraction of the nodes and the connections, different in each training era, in order to "disturb" the convergence on the training sample. When processing on the validation sample, these nodes are not removed, and the performance on validation can indeed be better than on the (damaged on purpose) training sample.

We can use the second file as a validation set, to plot, for example, ROC curves. One builds a similar shaped set out of that


Without cuts, a "b" is recognized 57% of the time as a "b" and 43% as a light. Clearly, this is low figure but depends on the cut on the output.

Notebook #4: CNN1x1_btag.ipynb

The fourth notebook builds a convolutional NN using the same input features, PLUS the single tracks features in arr_1


# train 
history =[jetInfo, dataTRACKS], jetCategories, epochs=n_epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose = 2,
                callbacks = [
                EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=10, verbose=1),
                ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1, patience=2, verbose=1),
# plot training history
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.title('model loss')
plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')

Using the test samples from the second file, one can produce the ROC curves and the confusion matrices as in the previous example.

Notebook #5: lstm_btag.ipynb

The fifth notebook is very similar to the fourth, but uses a Long Short-Term Memory to input sequentially data instead of having a full matrix. The inputs are the same


From this point on, the treatment of the test samples, ROC, and confusion matrices are the same as in the previous example.



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