RFS radiofrequency class.
RFSEL001_DYN RF e- Ring
RFSPS001_DYN RF e+ Ring
RFSA1001_DYN RF Accumulator
Static fork
Dynamic Fork
LabVIEW booleans take one byte.
ADCDynArray ha 13 componenti, ciascuna rappresenta un valore letto dagli ADC. Traducendo il chName da float, si ottiene, per ciascun canale
(Vedi tabella a seguito per calcolo degli offset)
- 0 - BeamPhs Beam Phase
- 1 - PhaseWP Phase Working Point
- 2 - AGCWP AGC Working Point
- 3 - RFFrw RF Forward
- 4 - RFLevel RF Level
- 5 - RFRvrsm RF Rverse
- 6 - PhsFdbk Phase Feedback
- 7 - TnrWP Turner Working Point
- 8 - ZMdFdbk Zero Mode Feedback
- 9 - SlideFbk Slide Feedback
- 10- PhErrKly Phase Error Klystron
- 11- WpKlyFbk Working Point Feedback
- 12- Klystron
DACDynArray ha 19 componenti, ciascuna rappresenta un valore scritto dal DAC. Traducendo il chName da float, si ottiene, per ciascun canale
(Vedi tabella a seguito per calcolo degli offset)
- 0 - AbsPhsR Absolute Phase Reference
- 1 - PhsFdbkR Phase Feedback Reference
- 2 - RFLevRef RF Level Reference
- 3 - AGCGain AGC Gain
- 4 - PhsLpGn Phase Loop Gain
- 5 - PhsWndwP Window Cavity Center Phase
- 6 - PhsWndwM Window Cavity width Pahase
- 7 - RFLvRefA RF Level Refernce Amplitude
- 8 - TnrPhsSh Tuner Phase Shifter
- 9 - ZMdFdbkP Zero Mode feeback refernence
- 10-Amplitud RF feedback Amplitude
- 11-phaseFbk RF feedback phase
- 12-SlopeFbk RF feedback Slope
- 13-ZeroFbk RF feedback Zero
- 14-ManPhKly Manual Phase Kystron
- 15-LowThKly Window Center Klystron Phase
- 16-HigThKly Window WidthKlystron Phase
- 17-RfFbkOn RF Feddback On
- 18-KlyFbkOn Klystron Feddback On
IODynArray ha 14 componenti. Traducendo il chName da float, si ottiene per ciascun canale
(Vedi tabella a seguito per calcolo degli offset)
- 0 - TnrUpLSw Tuner Level Up
- 1 - TnrDwLSw Tuner Level Down
- 2 - PLCAllar PLC Allarm
- 3 - FstIntlk Fast Interlok
- 4 - ZMdFdbkO Zero Mode Feedback ON/OFF
- 5 - TnrDw Tuner UP
- 6 - ResetPLC Reset PLC
- 8 - TnrUp Tuner Down
- 9 - AGCOnOff Aplitude Loop On/Off
- 10-PhsFdbkO Cavity Phase ON/Off
- 11-TnrMnAt Tuner Manual automatic
- 12-RFOnOff RF On Off
- 13-ErInOnOf ErIn ON/OFF
Detailed description of the dataset with calculated offsets
Offset [byte] | Type | Variable name | Comment |
00 | DBL | elementName | |
08 | I32 | status | |
12 | I32 | consoleName | |
16 | U32 | errorMask | |
20 | U32 | errorMaskADC | |
24 | U32 | errorMaskDAC | |
28 | U32 | errorMaskIO | |
32 | TF | onLine | |
33 | TF | byPass | |
34 | TF | remote | |
35 | TF | busy | |
Beginning of the array of clusters ADCDynArray (Cluster structure must be known) | |||
36 | U16 | nr. of array components | arraySize |
40 | DBL | ADCDynArray.chName[0] | First component [i=0] |
48 | DBL | ADCDynArray.readOut[0] | First component [i=0] |
56 | DBL | ADCDynArray.readOutRaw[0] | First component [i=0] |
... | ... | ... | ... |
End of the array | |||
Beginning of the array of clusters DACDynArray (Cluster structure must be known) | |||
O1 | U16 | nr. of array components | arraySize The "O1" offset depends on the number of components of the preceeding array |
O1+04 | DBL | DACDynArray.chName[0] | First component [i=0] |
O1+12 | DBL | DACDynArray.setting[0] | First component [i=0] |
O1+20 | DBL | DACDynArray.settingraw[0] | First component [i=0] |
... | ... | ... | ... |
End of the array | |||
Beginning of the array of clusters IODynArray (Cluster structure must be known) | |||
O2 | U16 | nr. of array components | arraySize The "O2" offset depends on the number of components of the preceeding array |
O2+04 | DBL | IODynArray.chName[0] | First component [i=0] |
O2+12 | TF | IODynArray.value[0] | First component [i=0] |
... | ... | ... | |
End of the array | |||
O3 | DBL | tunerPosition | The "O3" offset depends on the number of components of the preceeding array |