- New acquisition and visualisation of DT modbus devices
Background and strategic fit
We want to acquire DT modbus devices, we want to use EPICS as base control system to acquire modbus ICPDAS interface. Show historical data using Grafana dashboard.
List and information of acquisition modules are available at Asset Management.
Grafana dashboard
directory DT-LNF-INFN
How to add sensors
Sensors must be added to file https://baltig.infn.it/chaos-lnf-control/iocsh-dt-modbusdev/-/blob/main/dt-modbusdev.cmd
The configuration is self-explanatory, please pay attention to change the name accordingly when cut and paste.
Add sensor to Epics Config
ssh dante@vldanteco101 cd epics-archiver-on-dafne cd iocsh-icpdas gedit dafne-icpdas.cmd
Once finished as root restart the docker compose that contains an IOC that reads ICPDAS , the epics archiver and a CU that reads the IOC:
systemctl start dafne-epics # and check systemctl status dafne-epics
To check if a PV( i.e. DAFNE:ICP-23-0001:Temp_TRAES104) is correctly added you can attach to the running epics container through:
ssh dante@vldanteco101 docker exec -it epics bash root@367907cf46e3:/mnt/data/iocsh-icpdas# caget DAFNE:ICP-23-0001:Temp_TRAES104 DAFNE:ICP-23-0001:Temp_TRAES104 20.5366
Git commit changes
ssh dante@vldanteco101 cd epics-archiver-on-dafne cd iocsh-icpdas git commit -m "my comment" . git push origin
Add PV to Epics Archiver
Open Epics Archiver
Add the new PV(s) in the text box, then check and archive.