The local2globalRF script is transforming the tracks reconstructed by the DTF software and the PattRec software (mixed with mutomca_mixer) from the local reference frame of the DT detector to the global reference frame (same as MC simulations, centered in the cask).

The output file contains the tree muCastorMC tree with a CastorSkinHits branch having a similar structure of the OpenCMT Castor simulation file.


The required environment is describe in the guide.

The local2globalRF is available in baltig:

git clone

under the folder src.


The only command line option required by the application is the path of a configuration file. The configuration file is a INI-file containing the following sections and parameters:

theta0 = 0
theta1 = 180
dist = 3535
shift = 96.5
corrM_DT1 = 0
corrQ_DT1 = 0
corrM_SL1 = 0
corrQ_SL1 = 0

is_MC = 0
chunk = 0
main_file = mixed_data.root
output_file = SkinHits.root


The application can be run with

python --conf=<path of the configuration file>