This is the home page of the ML-INFN project "approccio end-to-end all’utilizzo del Machine Learning per le linee di ricerca INFN"

You can use this knowledge base to capture best practices and address common problems.

The ML-INFN Confluence Space is organised as follows:

  1. The Knowledge Base, with fully explained and working use cases of Machine Learning → LINK
  2. The list of public datasets available for the use cases → LINK
  3. Indico page of the ML-INFN meetings → LINK
  4. Page with hackathons organized by ML-INFN → LINK
  5. Page with known training opportunities (linked to ML-INFN or not)→ LINK
  6. An introduction to the available resources, how to request access and how to obtain them → LINK
  7. A link to the ML-INFN top category in the INFN Issues System, based on Jira → LINK
  8. The ML-INFN project, internal pages → LINK

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