In order to "segregate" the Cloud, so that INFN users use only INFN resources and Unipd users use only Unipd resources, for each project there is a Host Aggregate which can be of the INFN/Unipd type. In this way the Host Aggregate of an INFN project will be called INFN-ProjectName, while the host aggregates Unipd-ProjectName refer to Unipd project

When a project is created, a new host aggregate for such project is automatically created.

To update the list of computes nodes of the already created host aggregates, you should use the script /usr/local/bin/ available in cld-ctrl-01, specifying the type (INFN/Unipd) of the compute node. Using the same script it is also possible to remove a compute node from all host aggregates of a specific type.

For example if you have to add the INFN compute node on the Cloud you have to login on cld-ctrl-01 and run

# ./usr/local/bin/ add INFN

while if you have to remove the Unipd compute node to he Cloud you have to login on cld-ctrl-01 and run

# ./usr/local/bin/ remove Unipd

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