Depending on the pledged resources for you experiment, both disk and tape resources can be available at CNAF. Disk space is managed by General Parallel File System (GPFS) [8] which is a high-performance clustered file system developed by IBM.

Normally, under ”/storage/gpfs_data/EXPERIMENT_NAME/" there is a filesystem to store experiments’ data and it is optimized for big sized files (GB). It is recommended not be used as home directories or for SW compilation. We recommend a minimum file size of several MB (use archival tools, i.e. tar, to pack many small files if needed). If you have different needs please contact the user support since different storage resources can be provided. For example, the file system /storage/gpfs_small_files/.../ was created for storing a large number of small files.

Several GPFS filesystems are present, they have different task: