Job submission can be direct using the HTCondor batch system from the UIs or via Grid middleware from an UI that can be located anywhere.

In the latter case authentication and authorization are by default managed through Virtual Organizations (VO) [12]. To became member of the VO, the user needs a personal certificate and have to enroll on a VOMS Server.

Some examples of VOs hosted in CNAF VOMS servers (they are all replicated in another site, normally Padova or Naples) are:

Information about VOs can be found at:


CNAF Tier1 has replaced LSF by HTCondor in the first half of 2020. The infrastructure consists of:

On a UI the user can submit a job to the submit node, which then deals with the routing to the central manager, responsible for dispatching the jobs to the worker nodes.

CEs in production:

HTCondor docs and guides are available here [6][7].

HTCondor jobs

HTCondor is a job scheduler. You give HTCondor a file containing commands that tell it how to run jobs. HTCondor locates a machine that can run each job within the pool of machines, packages up the job and ships it off to this execute machine. The jobs run, and output is returned to the machine that submitted the jobs.

For HTCondor to run a job, it must be given details such as the names and location of the executable and all needed input files. These details are specified in the submit description file.

A simple example of an executable is a sleep job that waits for 40 seconds and then exits:

# file name:

echo "sleeping for $TIMETOWAIT seconds"
/bin/sleep $TIMETOWAIT

To submit this sample job, we need to specify all the details such as the names and location of the executable and all needed input files creating a submit description file where each line has the form

command name = value

like this:

# Unix submit description file
# sleep.sub -- simple sleep job

executable              =
log                     = sleep.log
output                  = outfile.txt
error                   = errors.txt
should_transfer_files   = Yes
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

Submit local jobs

To submit jobs locally, i.e. from CNAF UI, use the following command:

For example:

-bash-4.2$ condor_submit -name sleep.sub
Submitting job(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 6798880.

where 6798880 is the cluster id.

To see all jobs launched by a user locally on a submit node use

condor_q -name <user>

In example:

-bash-4.2$ condor_q -name arendina

-- Schedd: : < @ 07/29/20 11:11:57
arendina ID: 6785585 7/28 15:35 _ _ _ 1 6785585.0
arendina ID: 6785603 7/28 15:46 _ _ _ 1 6785603.0
arendina ID: 6798880 7/29 10:19 _ _ _ 1 6798880.0

Total for query: 3 jobs; 3 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspended
Total for all users: 47266 jobs; 35648 completed, 3 removed, 6946 idle, 4643 running, 26 held, 0 suspended

To get the list of held jobs and the held reason add the option


Whereas, to see informations about a single job use

condor_q -name <cluster id>

and to get more detailed information use the option


For example:

-bash-4.2$ condor_q -better-analyze -name 6805590

-- Schedd: : <
The Requirements expression for job 6805590.000 is

(TARGET.Arch == "X86_64") && (TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX") && (TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk) &&
(TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory) && (TARGET.HasFileTransfer)

Job 6805590.000 defines the following attributes:

DiskUsage = 20
ImageSize = 275
MemoryUsage = ((ResidentSetSize + 1023) / 1024)
RequestDisk = DiskUsage
RequestMemory = ifthenelse(MemoryUsage =!= undefined,MemoryUsage,(ImageSize + 1023) / 1024)
ResidentSetSize = 0

The Requirements expression for job 6805590.000 reduces to these conditions:

Step Matched Condition
----- -------- ---------
[0] 24584 TARGET.Arch == "X86_64"
[1] 24584 TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX"
[3] 24584 TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk
[5] 24584 TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory
[7] 24584 TARGET.HasFileTransfer

6805590.000: Job is completed.

Last successful match: Wed Jul 29 16:37:03 2020

6805590.000: Run analysis summary ignoring user priority. Of 829 machines,
0 are rejected by your job's requirements
122 reject your job because of their own requirements
0 match and are already running your jobs
0 match but are serving other users
707 are able to run your job

The job outputs cannot be copied automatically. The user should launch:

condor_transfer_data -name <cluster id>

with the cluster id returned by condor_submit command at submission:

-bash-4.2$ condor_transfer_data -name 6806037
Fetching data files...
-bash-4.2$ ls
ce_testp308.sub errors.txt outfile.txt sleep.log sleep.sub test.sub

At the end, to remove a job use the command condor_rm:

-bash-4.2$ condor_rm -name 6806037
All jobs in cluster 6806037 have been marked for removal

Submit Grid jobs

First, create the proxy:

voms-proxy-init --voms <vo name>

then you can submit the job with the following commands:

condor_submit -pool -remote -spool sleep.sub

For example:

-bash-4.2$ condor_submit -pool -remote -spool sleep.sub
Submitting job(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 2015349.

where "sleep.sub" is the submit file:

# Unix submit description file
# sleep.sub -- simple sleep job

+owner = undefined
executable =
log = sleep.log
output = outfile.txt
error = errors.txt
should_transfer_files = Yes
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

that differs from the sleep.sub file that has been submitted locally by the command name:

+owner = undefined

that allows the computing element to identify the user through the voms-proxy.

Note that the script of the submit description file of a grid job is basically different of one that has to be submitted locally.

To check the job status of a single job use

condor_q -pool -name <cluster id>

So, for the previous example we have

-bash-4.2$ condor_q -pool -name 2015349

-- Schedd: : < @ 07/29/20 17:02:21
virgo008 ID: 2015349 7/29 16:59 _ _ 1 1 2015349.0

Total for query: 1 jobs; 0 completed, 0 removed, 1 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspended
Total for all users: 31430 jobs; 8881 completed, 2 removed, 676 idle, 1705 running, 20166 held, 0 suspended

The user is mapped through the voms-proxy in the user name virgo008 as owner of the job. Then, to get the list of the submitted jobs of a user just change <cluster id> with <owner>:

-bash-4.2$ condor_q -pool -name virgo008

-- Schedd: : < @ 07/29/20 17:09:42
virgo008 ID: 2014655 7/29 11:30 _ _ _ 1 2014655.0
virgo008 ID: 2014778 7/29 12:24 _ _ _ 1 2014778.0
virgo008 ID: 2014792 7/29 12:40 _ _ _ 1 2014792.0
virgo008 ID: 2015159 7/29 15:11 _ _ _ 1 2015159.0
virgo008 ID: 2015161 7/29 15:12 _ _ _ 1 2015161.0
virgo008 ID: 2015184 7/29 15:24 _ _ _ 1 2015184.0
virgo008 ID: 2015201 7/29 15:33 _ _ _ 1 2015201.0
virgo008 ID: 2015207 7/29 15:39 _ _ _ 1 2015207.0
virgo008 ID: 2015217 7/29 15:43 _ _ _ 1 2015217.0
virgo008 ID: 2015224 7/29 15:47 _ _ _ 1 2015224.0
virgo008 ID: 2015349 7/29 16:59 _ _ _ 1 2015349.0

Total for query: 11 jobs; 11 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspended
Total for all users: 31429 jobs; 8898 completed, 3 removed, 591 idle, 1737 running, 20200 held, 0 suspended

As in the local case, to get the job outputs the user shoud launch

condor_transfer_data -pool -name <cluster id>

with the cluster id returned by condor_submit command at submission:

-bash-4.2$ condor_transfer_data -pool -name 2015217
Fetching data files...
-bash-4.2$ ls
ce_testp308.sub errors.txt outfile.txt sleep.log sleep.sub test.sub

And to remove a job submitted via grid:

-bash-4.2$ condor_rm -pool -name 2015217
All jobs in cluster 2015217 have been marked for removal


Singularity in batch jobs

All the CNAF computing servers support containerization through Singularity [24] . Singularity is a containerization tool for running software in a reproducible way on various different platforms. With the advent of new operating systems, programming languages, and libraries, containers offer a sustainable solution for running old software. The software is shipped in so-called image, i.e. a file or folder containing a minimal operating system, the application to run and all its dependencies.
This section of the Tier-1 User Guide is intended to drive the user towards a transition from a native application workflow to one based on containers.
Singularity supports several image formats:

Obtain images

Official images for official software may have already been prepared by the software group within your experiment and be available through a shared filesystem (such as CVMFS), SingularityHub or other supported repository. Please check with your software manager about the support to Singularity.

Create a new image using a recipe (expert users)

A singularity recipe is a text file that contains all the instructions and configurations needed to build an image. It is organized in a header and a number of optional sections. The header is composed by a list of configuration settings in the form of "keyword: value" describing the system to use as base for the new image. Sections are identified by the % sign followed by a keyword. For a detailed list of all possible sections refer to [25].
An example of recipe file follows:

## Assume the file is called Recipe.txt and the final image is named name.img

# Headers
BootStrap: docker
From: cern/slc6-base

## Help section
This text will be available by running

singularity help name.img

## Metadata to store (available through "singularity inspect name.img")
AUTHOR Carmelo Pellegrino

## Environment variables setup
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

## Files to be copied in image from host system
# source (in host system) [destination (in container, default "/")]
./code/ /

## Commands to execute in container during image building, after bootstrap
yum -y update && yum -y upgrade && \
yum -y install --setopt=tsflags=nodocs \
devtoolset-6 compat-gcc-34-g77 \
cernlib-g77-devel cernlib-g77-utils

## Commands to be executed in default container instantiation
exec /bin/bash

Build it with:

sudo singularity build name.img Recipe.txt

NOTE: since building a new image requires root access on the host system, it will not be possible on CNAF computing resources.

Run software

Singularity allows to run image-shipped software by simply prepending the singularity exec image.img text on the command line. The current working directory (CWD) is maintained and non-system files are available, so that, for example, the output of the ls command run in a container is not very different from the same command run natively.

Suppose the g77 compiler version 3.4 is contained in the name.img image. Example commands and their output follow:

$ cat hw.f
      program hello_world
      implicit none
      write ( *, * ) 'Hello, world!'
 $ singularity exec name.img g77 --version # i.e.: "g77 --version" runs in a container
GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-19.el6)
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING
or type the command `info -f g77 Copying'.
 $ singularity exec name.img g77 hw.f -o hw
 $ singularity exec name.img ./hw
  Hello, world!

If a particular external folder is not available in container, for example exp_software or cvmfs, it can be forcedly bound by means of the -B orig:dest command line option. Many folders can also be bound at the same time:

$ singularity exec -B /cvmfs/:/cvmfs/ -B /opt/exp_software/:/opt/exp_software/ name.img ./hw 

How to run Geant4 using Singularity

Geant4 needs old verion of “liblzma” and “libpcre” libraries related to Scien-tific Linux 6, for this reason an SL6 environment (using Singularity container) is therefore required to compile/execute the software from there.

Recompile Geant4 inside a container instantiated from a Singularity image with SL6 (usually provided by CNAF User Support), so that the libraries used are actually those that require Geant4. To do this, just start a Singularity container with the following command:

$ singularity exec /opt/exp_software/cupid/UI_SL6.img /bin/bash

then in the folder where the Geant sources are present, they can be recompiled.

If it is necessary to be able to access a host operating system path, simply use the ``-B'' (binding path) option specifying the host path separated from the mountpoint in the container using the colons. For example, to access /opt/exp_software/cupid, change the previous command to:

$ singularity exec -B /opt/exp_software:/opt/exp_software /opt/exp_software/cupid/UI_SL6.img /bin/bash

Once Geant has been recompiled, to submit job with bsub, the executable must be written in order to launch the commands related Geant within the Singularity container.

To perform, for example, the “cuspide” application, a line like the following must be inserted in the script:

singularity exec --no-home -B /opt/exp_software:/opt/exp_software /opt/exp_software/cupid/UI_SL6.img /opt/exp_software/cupid/geant4/bin/10.04.p02/cuspide

where the ``--no-home'' option causes Singularity to avoid mounting the user's home, since the job, not having the permissions to do so, would fail if it did.