
NameInstitutionMail AddressSocial Contacts
Brunella D'AnziINFN Sezione di Bari brunella.d'anzi@cern.chSkype: live:ary.d.anzi_1; Linkedin: brunella-d-anzi
Nicola De FilippisINFN Sezione di Bari

Domenico Diacono

INFN Sezione di Bari
Walaa ElmetenaweeINFN Sezione di
Giorgia MinielloINFN Sezione di
Andre SznajderRio de Janeiro State

How to Obtain Support

SocialSkype: live:ary.d.anzi_1; Linkedin: brunella-d-anzi

General Information

ML/DL TechnologiesArtificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Random Forests (RFs)
Science FieldsHigh Energy Physics



fully annotated and runnable

Software and Tools

Programming LanguagePython
ML Toolset

Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn 

Additional librariesuproot, NumPy, pandas,h5py,seaborn,matplotlib
Suggested EnvironmentsGoogle's Colaboratory

Needed datasets

Data CreatorCMS Experiment
Data TypeSimulation
Data Size2 GB
Data SourceCloud@ReCaS-Bari

Short Description of the Use Case

Introduction to the statistical analysis problem

In this exercise, you will perform a binary classification task using Monte Carlo simulated samples representing the Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) Higgs boson production in the four-lepton final state signal and its main background processes at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. Two Machine Learning (ML) algorithms will be implemented: an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a Random Forest (RF).

Multivariate Analysis and Machine Learning algorithms: basic concepts

Multivariate Analysis algorithms receive as input a set of discriminating variables. Each variable alone does not allow to reach an optimal discrimination power between two categories (we will focus on a binary task in this exercise). Therefore the algorithms compute an output that combines the input variables.

This is what every Multivariate Analysis (MVA) discriminator does. The discriminant output, also called discriminator, score, or classifier, is used as a test statistic and is then adopted to perform the signal selection. It could be used as a variable on which we decide to cut in a hypothesis test.

In particular, Machine Learning tools are models that have enough capacity to define their own internal representation of the data to accomplish a task: learning from data and make predictions without being explicitly programmed to do so.

In the case of binary classification, firstly the algorithm is trained with two datasets:

and it must learn how to classify new datasets (the test dataset in our case).

This means that we have the same set of features (random variables) with their own distribution on the H0 and H1 hypotheses.

To obtain a good ML classifier with high discriminating power, we will follow the following steps:

A description of the Artificial Neural Network and Random Forest algorithms is inserted in the notebook itself.

Particle Physics basic concepts: the Standard Model and the Higgs boson

The Standard Model of elementary particles represents our knowledge of the microscopic world. It describes the matter constituents (quarks and leptons) and their interactions (mediated by bosons), which are the electromagnetic, the weak, and the strong interactions.

Among all these particles, the Higgs boson still represents a very peculiar case. It is the second heaviest known elementary particle (mass of 125 GeV) after the top quark (175 GeV).

The ideal tool for measuring the Higgs boson properties is a particle collider. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), situated nearby Geneva, between France and Switzerland, is the largest proton-proton collider ever built on Earth. It consists of a 27 km circumference ring, where proton beams are smashed at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV (99.999999% of the speed of light). At the LHC, 40 Million collisions / second occurs, providing an enormous amount of data. Thanks to these data, ATLAS and CMS experiments discovered the missing piece of the Standard Model, the Higgs boson, in 2012.

During a collision, the energy is so high that protons are "broken" into their fundamental components, i.e. quarks and gluons, that can interact together, producing particles that we don't observe in our everyday life, such as the Higgs boson. The production of a Higgs boson via a vector boson fusion (VBF) mechanism is, by the way, a relatively "rare" phenomenon, since there are other physical processes that occur way more often, such as those initiated by strong interaction, producing the Higgs boson by the so-called gluon-gluon fusion (ggH) production process. In High Energy Physics, we speak about the cross-section of a physics process. We say that the Higgs boson production via the vector boson fusion mechanism has a smaller cross-section than the production of the same boson (scalar particle) via the ggH mechanism.

The experimental consequence is that distinguishing the two processes, which are characterized by the decay products, can be extremely difficult, given that the latter phenomenon has a way larger probability to happen. In the exercise, we will propose to merge different backgrounds to be distinguished from the signal events.

Experimental signature of the Higgs boson in a particle detector

Let's first understand what are the experimental signatures and how the LHC's detectors work. As an example, this is a sketch of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector.

A collider detector is organized in layers: each layer is able to distinguish and measure different particles and their properties. For example, the silicon tracker detects each particle that is charged. The electromagnetic calorimeter detects photons and electrons. The hadronic calorimeter detects hadrons (such as protons and neutrons). The muon chambers detect muons (that have a long lifetime and travel through the inner layers).

Our physics problem consists of detecting the so-called golden channel H→ ZZ*→ l+ l- l'+ l'which is one of the possible Higgs boson's decays: its name is due to the fact that it has the clearest and cleanest signature of all the possible Higgs boson decay modes. The decay chain is sketched here: the Higgs boson decays into Z boson pairs, which in turn decay into a lepton pair (in the picture, muon-antimuon or electron-positron pairs). In this exercise, we will use only datasets concerning the 4mu decay channel and the datasets about the 4e channel are given to you to be analyzed as an optional exercise. At the LHC experiments, the decay channel 2e2mu is also widely analyzed.

Data exploration

In this exercise we are mainly interested in the following ROOT files (you may look at the web page  ROOT file if you would like to learn more about which kind of objects you can store in them):

The VBF ROOT file contains the Higgs boson production (mass of 125 GeV) via the Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) mechanism (qqH) signal events - that we want to discriminate from the so-called Gluon Gluon Fusion (ggH) Higgs production events and the QCD process ZZ → 4mu which are both irreducible backgrounds (see the Feynmann diagram in the pictures and the cross-sections/branching ratios expected for Higgs boson production processes and its decay channels).

The processes are characterized by the same final-state particles but we can use the value of multiple variables, such as kinematic properties of the particles, for classifying data into the two categories, signal, and background. The first one is the statistically less probable process that results in producing the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments and it is still understudies by the CMS collaboration.

In order to train our Machine Learning algorithms, we will look at the decay products of our physics problem. In our case we going to deal with:

For each object, several kinetic variables are measured:

We will use some of them for training our Machine Learning algorithms.

How to execute it

Use Googe Colab 

What is Google Colab?

Google's Colaboratory is a free online cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment on Google-hosted machines, with some added features, like the possibility to attach a GPU or a TPU if needed with 12 hours of continuous execution time. After that, the whole virtual machine is cleared and one has to start again. The user can run multiple CPU, GPU, and TPU instances simultaneously, but the resources are shared between these instances.

Open the Use Case Colab Notebook

The notebook for this tutorial can be found here. The .ipynb file is available in the attachment section and in this GitHub repository.

Indeed, the notebook can be opened by inserting the GitHub URL bdanzi/Higgs_exercise and clicking on the VBF_exercise.ipynb icon :

OR one can just click on the following link:

Be sure to work on a copy of the notebook in Google Drive in both cases clicking on the Copy to Drive icon as shown below:

In order to do this, you must have a personal Google account.

Input files 

The datasets files are stored on Recas Bari's ownCloud and are automatically loaded by the notebook. In case, they are also available here (4 muons decay channel) for the main exercise and here (4 electrons decay channel) for the optional exercise.

In the following, the most important excerpts are described.

Annotated Description 

Load data using PANDAS data frames

Now you can start using your data and load three different NumPy arrays! One corresponds to the VBF signal and the other two will represent the Higgs boson production via the strong interaction processes (in jargon, QCD) and that will be used as a merged background.

Moreover, you will look at the physical observables that you can use to train the ML algorithms.
In [ ]:

#import libraries 

import uproot
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
import seaborn as sns

from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, Model
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam, RMSprop, Adagrad, Adadelta
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Activation, Dense, Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ReduceLROnPlateau, ModelCheckpoint
from tensorflow.keras import utils
from tensorflow import random as tf_random
from keras.utils import plot_model
import random as python_random
# Fix random seed for reproducibility

# The below is necessary for starting Numpy generated random numbers
# in a well-defined initial state.
seed = 7

# The below is necessary for starting core Python generated random numbers
# in a well-defined state.

# The below set_seed() will make random number generation
# in the TensorFlow backend have a well-defined initial state.
# For further details, see:

treename = 'HZZ4LeptonsAnalysisReduced'
filename = {}
upfile = {}
params = {}
df = {}

# Define what are the ROOT files we are interested in (for the two categories,
# signal and background)

filename['sig'] = 'VBF_HToZZTo4mu.root'
filename['bkg_ggHtoZZto4mu'] = 'GluGluHToZZTo4mu.root'
filename['bkg_ZZto4mu'] = 'ZZTo4mu.root'
#filename['bkg_ttH_HToZZ_4mu.root']= 'ttH_HToZZ_4mu.root'
#filename['sig'] = 'VBF_HToZZTo4e.root'
#filename['bkg_ggHtoZZto4e'] = 'GluGluHToZZTo4e.root'
#filename['bkg_ZZto4e'] = 'ZZTo4e.root'

# Variables from Root Tree that must be copyed to PANDA dataframe (df)
VARS = [ 'f_run', 'f_event', 'f_weight', \
        'f_massjj', 'f_deltajj', 'f_mass4l', 'f_Z1mass' , 'f_Z2mass', \
        'f_lept1_pt','f_lept1_eta','f_lept1_phi', \
        'f_lept2_pt','f_lept2_eta','f_lept2_phi', \
        'f_lept3_pt','f_lept3_eta','f_lept3_phi', \
        'f_lept4_pt','f_lept4_eta','f_lept4_phi', \
        'f_jet1_pt','f_jet1_eta','f_jet1_phi', \
        'f_jet2_pt','f_jet2_eta','f_jet2_phi' ]

#checking the dimensions of the df , 26 variables
NDIM = len(VARS)

print("Number of kinematic variables imported from the ROOT files = %d"% NDIM)

upfile['sig'] =['sig'])
upfile['bkg_ggHtoZZto4mu'] =['bkg_ggHtoZZto4mu'])
upfile['bkg_ZZto4mu'] =['bkg_ZZto4mu'])
#upfile['bkg_ttH_HToZZ_4mu.root'] =['bkg_ttH_HToZZ_4mu'])
#upfile['sig'] =['sig'])]
#upfile['bkg_ggHtoZZto4e'] =['bkg_ggHtoZZto4e'])
#upfile['bkg_ZZto4e'] =['bkg_ZZto4e'])
Number of kinematic variables imported from the ROOT files = 26

Let's see what you have uploaded in your Colab notebook!

# Look at the signal and bkg events before applying physical requirement

df['sig'] = pd.DataFrame(upfile['sig'][treename].arrays(VARS, library="np"),columns=VARS)
(24867, 26)

Comment: We have 24867 rows, i.e. 24867 different events, and 26 columns (whose meaning will be explained later).

Let's print out the first rows of this data set!



The same comments hold for the background datasets:

# Part of the code in "#" can be used in the second part of the exercise
# for trying to use alternative datasets for the training of our ML algorithms

#df['bkg'] = pd.DataFrame(upfile['bkg'][treename].arrays(VARS, library="np"),columns=VARS)
df['bkg_ggHtoZZto4mu'] = pd.DataFrame(upfile['bkg_ggHtoZZto4mu'][treename].arrays(VARS, library="np"),columns=VARS)
#df['bkg_ggHtoZZto4e'] = pd.DataFrame(upfile['bkg_ggHtoZZto4e'][treename].arrays(VARS, library="np"),columns=VARS)
#df['bkg_ZZto4e'] = pd.DataFrame(upfile['bkg_ZZto4e'][treename].arrays(VARS, library="np"),columns=VARS)

Out[ ]:

df['bkg_ZZto4mu'] = pd.DataFrame(upfile['bkg_ZZto4mu'][treename].arrays(VARS, library="np"),columns=VARS)

# Let's merge our background processes together!
df['bkg'] = pd.concat([df['bkg_ZZto4mu'],df['bkg_ggHtoZZto4mu']])
# Let's shuffle them!
df['bkg']= shuffle(df['bkg'])
# Let's see its shape!
(952342, 26)

Note that the background datasets seem to have a very large number of events! Is that true? Do all physical variables have meaningful values? Let's make physical selection requirements!

# Remove undefined variable entries VARS[i] <= -999

for i in range(NDIM):
    df['sig'] = df['sig'][(df['sig'][VARS[i]] > -999)]
    df['bkg']= df['bkg'][(df['bkg'][VARS[i]] > -999)]

# Add the columnisSignal to the dataframe containing the truth information
# i.e. it tells if that particular event is signal (isSignal=1) or background (isSignal=0)

df['sig']['isSignal'] = np.ones(len(df['sig'])) 
df['bkg']['isSignal'] = np.zeros(len(df['bkg'])) 
print("Number of Signal events = %d " %len(df['sig']['isSignal']))
print("Number of Background events = %d " %len(df['bkg']['isSignal']))
Number of Signal events = 14260 
Number of Background events = 100724 
#Showing that the variable isSignal is correctly assigned for VBF signal events print(df['sig']['isSignal'])
0        1.0
1        1.0
2        1.0
3        1.0
4        1.0
24858    1.0
24859    1.0
24860    1.0
24861    1.0
24862    1.0
Name: isSignal, Length: 14260, dtype: float64
# Showing that the variable isSignal is correctly assigned for bkg events
# Some events are missing because of the selection. So we do not have in total 134682 
# background events anymore!
42646     0.0
619246    0.0
360856    0.0
727095    0.0
8984      0.0
551642    0.0
315737    0.0
759363    0.0
535030    0.0
189636    0.0
Name: isSignal, Length: 100724, dtype: float64

Let's see in which way we have to use the f_weight variable!

# Renormalizes the events weights to give unit sum in the signal and background dataframes
# This is necessary for the ML algorithms to learn signal and background 
# in the same proportion,independently of number of events 
# and absolute weights of events in each sample of events!
# The relative contributions of each background process is retained - so the classifier
# learns to focus more on the importance backgrounds, and the background matches the data
# shape - but overall signal and background have equal importance (the classifier
# learns to identify signal and background equally well).
# In the pandas technical vocabolary axis=0 stands for columns, axis=1 for rows.


# Note: Number of events remain unchanged after this "normalization procedure"
print("Number SIG events=", len(df['sig']['f_weight']))
print("Number BKG events=", len(df['bkg']['f_weight']))
Number SIG events= 14260
Number BKG events= 100724

Let's merge our signal and background events!

# Concatenate the signal and background dfs in a single data frame 
df_all = pd.concat([df['sig'],df['bkg']])

# Random shuffles the data set to mix signal and background events 
# before the splitting between train and test datasets
df_all = shuffle(df_all)

Preparing input features for the ML algorithms

We have our data set ready to train our ML algorithms! Before doing that we have to decide from which input variables the computer algorithms have to learn to distinguish between signal and background events.

We can use:

  1. The five high-level input variables f_massjj,f_deltajj,f_mass4l,f_Z1mass, and f_Z2mass .
  2. The 18 kinematic variables characterize the four-lepton + two jest final states objects.

To make this choice, we can look at the two sets of correlation plots - the so-called scatter plots using the seaborn library - among the features at our disposal and see which set captures better the differences between signal and background events.

Note: this operation is quite long for both sets since we are dealing with quite a lot of events. Skip the following two code cells and trust us in using the high-level features for building your ML models! Indeed, we will obtain better discriminators' performance using high-level features. You can always return to this part of the exercise and try to use the low-level features.

# It will take a while (5 minutes), you can skip it as said before.
# We leave you the output of this code cell using a .png format
# VAR = [ 'f_massjj', 'f_deltajj', 'f_mass4l', 'f_Z1mass' , 'f_Z2mass', 'isSignal']
# sns.pairplot( data=df_all.filter(VAR), hue='isSignal' , kind='scatter', diag_kind='auto' );

# It will take a while (1 hour). Skip it!
# We leave you the output of this code cell using a .png format # NN_VARS = ['f_lept1_pt','f_lept1_eta','f_lept1_phi', \ # 'f_lept2_pt','f_lept2_eta','f_lept2_phi', \ # 'f_lept3_pt','f_lept3_eta','f_lept3_phi', \ # 'f_lept4_pt','f_lept4_eta','f_lept4_phi', \ # 'f_jet1_pt','f_jet1_eta','f_jet1_phi', \ # 'f_jet2_pt','f_jet2_eta','f_jet2_phi', 'isSignal'] # sns.pairplot( data=df_all.filter(NN_VARS), hue='isSignal' , kind='scatter', diag_kind='auto' );

# Filter dataframe leaving just the Neural Network and Random Forest input variables  

NN_VARS= ['f_massjj', 'f_deltajj', 'f_mass4l', 'f_Z1mass' , 'f_Z2mass']
# NN_VARS = [ 'f_lept1_pt','f_lept1_eta','f_lept1_phi', \
#          'f_lept2_pt','f_lept2_eta','f_lept2_phi', \
#          'f_lept3_pt','f_lept3_eta','f_lept3_phi', \
#          'f_lept4_pt','f_lept4_eta','f_lept4_phi', \
#          'f_jet1_pt','f_jet1_eta','f_jet1_phi', \
#          'f_jet2_pt','f_jet2_eta','f_jet2_phi']
df_input  = df_all.filter(NN_VARS)
df_target = df_all.filter(['isSignal']) # flag
df_weights = df_all.filter(['f_weight']) 
# the weights are also important to be given as input to the training

# Transform dataframes to numpy arrays of float32 
# (X->NN input , Y->NN target output , W-> event weights)

print("Number NN input variables=",NINPUT)
print("NN input variables=",NN_VARS)
X  = np.asarray( df_input.values ).astype(np.float32)
Y  = np.asarray( df_target.values ).astype(np.float32)
W  = np.asarray( df_weights.values ).astype(np.float32)
Number NN input variables= 5
NN input variables= ['f_massjj', 'f_deltajj', 'f_mass4l', 'f_Z1mass', 'f_Z2mass']
(114984, 5)
(114984, 1)
(114984, 1)

Dividing the data into testing and training data set

You can split now the datasets into two parts (one for the training and validation steps and one for testing phase).

Question to students: Have a look to the parameter setting test_size. Why did we choose that small fraction of events to be used for the testing phase?

# Classical way to proceed, using a scikit-learn algorithm:
# X_train_val, X_test, Y_train_val , Y_test , W_train_val , W_test = 
# train_test_split(X, Y, W , test_size=0.2,shuffle=None,stratify=None )

# Alternative way, the one that we chose in order to study the model's performance 
# with ease (with an analogous procedure used by TMVA in ROOT framework)
# to keep information about the flag isSignal in both training and test steps. 

size= int(len(X[:,0]))
test_size = int(0.2*len(X[:,0]))
print('X (features) before splitting')
print('X (features) splitting between test and training')
X_test= X[0:test_size+1,:]
X_train_val= X[test_size+1:len(X[:,0]),:]
print('Y (target) before splitting')
print('Y (target) splitting between test and training ')
Y_test= Y[0:test_size+1,:]
Y_train_val= Y[test_size+1:len(Y[:,0]),:]
print('W (weights) before splitting')
print('W (weights) splitting between test and training ')
W_test= W[0:test_size+1,:]
W_train_val= W[test_size+1:len(W[:,0]),:]
X (features) before splitting

(114984, 5)
X (features) splitting between test and training
(22997, 5)
(91987, 5)

Y (target) before splitting

(114984, 1)
Y (target) splitting between test and training 
(22997, 1)
(91987, 1)

W (weights) before splitting

(114984, 1)
W (weights) splitting between test and training 
(22997, 1)
(91987, 1)

Description of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model and KERAS API

In this section you will find the following subsections:

There are three ways to create Keras models:

Introduction to the Neural Network algorithm

A Neural Network (NN) is a biology inspired analytical model, but not bio-mimetic one. It is formed by a network of basic elements called neurons or perceptrons (see the picture below), which receive an input, change their state according to the input and produce an output.

The neuron/perceptron concept

The perceptron, while it has a simple structure, has the ability to learn and solve very complex problems.

Neural Network Topologies

A Neural Networks (NN) can be classified according to the type of neuron interconections and the flow of information.

Feed Forward Networks

A feedforward NN is a neural network where connections between the nodes do not form a cycle. In a feed forward network information always moves one direction, from input to output, and it never goes backwards. Feedforward NN can be viewed as mathematical models of a func5on .

Recurrent Neural Network

A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a neural network that allows connections between nodes in the same layer, with themselves or with previous layers.

Unlike feedforward neural networks, RNNs can use their internal state (memory) to process sequential input data.

Dense Layer

A Neural Network layer is called a dense layer to indicate that it’s fully connected. Information about the Neural Network architectures see:

Artificial Neural Network

The discriminant output is computed by combining the response of multiple nodes, each representing a single neuron cell. Nodes are arranged into layers.

In an ANN the input variable values are passed to a first input layer, whose output is passed as input to the next layer, and so on.

The last output layer is usually constituted by a single node that provides the discriminant output. Intermediate layers between the input and the output layers are called hidden layers. Usually if a Neural Network as more than one hidden layer is called Deep Neural Network and is able to do by itself the feature extraction (it becomes a Deep Learning algorithm).

Such a structure is also called Feedforward Multilayer Perceptron (MLP, see the picture).

The output of the node of the layers is computed as weighted average of the input variables, with weights that are subject to optimization via training.

The activation layer filters out the output , using an activation function. It converts the output of a given layer before passing on the information to consecutive layers. It can be a sigmoid, arctangent, step function (new functions as ReLu,SeLu) because they mimic a learning curve.

Then a bias or threshold parameter is applied. This bias accounts for the random noise, in the sense that it measures how well the model fits the training set (how much the model is able to correctly predict the known outputs of the training examples.) The output of a given node is: .

Supervised Learning: the loss function

In order to train the neural network, a further function is introduced in the model, the loss (cost) function that quantifies the error between the NN output and the desired target output.The choice of the loss function is directly related to the activation function used in the output layer !

If we have binary targets we use the Cross Entropy Loss: .

During training we optimize the loss function, i.e. reduce the error between actual and predicted values. Since we deal with a binary classification problem, the can take on just two values, (for hypothesis ) and (for hypothesis ).

A popular algorithm to optimize the weights, consists in iteratively modifying the weights afer each training observation or after a bunch of training observation by doing a minimization of the loss function.

The minimization usually proceeds via the so-called Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) which modifies weight at each iteration according to the following formula: .

Other more complex optimization algorithms are available in KERAS API.

More info:


A metric is a function that is used to judge the performance of your model.

Metric functions are similar to loss functions, except that the results from evaluating a metric are not used when training the model. Note that you may use any loss function as a metric.

