SLFitter: environment

The same environment provided by the guide is suitable.

SLFitter: building the code

The source code for the TrackFitter is stored in Baltig.

Since the source code of the SLFitter can be downloaded only by the authorized developers, credentials for Baltig are necessary.

The simplest way is using RSA keys, the public key must be uploaded into Baltig and the private key must be saved into ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa

Once git client has been correctly configured the commands are:

git clone
cd SLFitter

The commands to build the code are:

cmake3 <path-to-source>

<path-to-source> is the path to the CMakeLists.txt file in SLFitter directory, e.g.: /home/centos/SLFitter

The executable is found in the directory run/

SLFitter: running the code

The SLFitter application performs the reconstruction of tracks from CMS Super-Layers (SL) hits produced with the castor-simulator software, see The OpenCMT Castor Simulator.

Preliminary settings: the configuration file

All the input parameters needed to run the code must be set in a dedicated configuration file config.ini. A template of this file can be found in the utils/ directory and must be copied in the run/ directory. Now you can modify the config.ini file in your run/ directory. 

Example of configuration file
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
#       General information
# ------------------------------
runNumber           0063
rawDirName          /mnt/muotom-data/data/castor/geant/G4vmc_genCyl/NewSim
rawFileName         muCastorMC_2022-04-22-10-40-56_63.root
outputDirName       ../output
outputFileName      SLTtree_muCastorMC_63
maxEventNumber      5000000
# ------------------------------
#          Display mode
# ------------------------------
display             0
wait                0
# ------------------------------
#          Histos mode
# ------------------------------
histos              0
# ------------------------------
#           Ttree mode
# ------------------------------
ttree               1
# ------------------------------
#           Debugging
# ------------------------------
debug               0
# ------------------------------
#           Castor MC
# ------------------------------
is_CastorMC         1
use_trueDriftTimes  0
det0_rot            0
det1_rot            120
det_dist            199.69
Ready to run
cd run