Down below are listed some frequently used LSF commands and their SLURM equivalents.

Essential commands

bsub < script_filesbatch script_fileSubmit a job script to the scheduler
bqueuessinfoShow available scheduling queues
bjobssqueue -u <username>List user's pending and running jobs
bsub -n 1 -q hpc_int -Is /bin/bashsrun -n 1 -p slurmHPC_int --pty /bin/bashRequest an interactive session 

Job specification

LSFSLURM Description
#BSUB#SBATCHScheduler directive
-q queue_name--partition=queue_name or  -p queue_nameSpecify the scheduling queue
-W   hh:mm:ss--time= hh:mm:ss  or -t hh:mm:ssSet the maximum runtime limit
-We  hh:mm:ss--time-min= hh:mm:ss  Set an estimated runtime 
-J job_name--job-name= jobname Specify a name for the job

-o filename

--output= filename or -o filename,

Standard job output
-e filename
--error=filename or -e filenameStandard job error output
-n number-of-cores--ntasks= number-of-cores   or -n number-of-coresNumber of CPU cores 
-m <host-group-name>--constraint="<host-group-name>"To select a node with a specific processor model 

Further commands and options are listed at the following link [32].

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