
The enviroment must be set up according to the guide

OpenCMT Castor Simulator: building the code

The source code for the Image Builder is stored in Baltig:

git clone
cd castor-simulator

These are the steps required for building the Image Builder and install it in the system:

mkdir build
cd build
       -DPACKAGE_INSTALL_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib64 \
       -DPACKAGE_INSTALL_INC_DIR=/usr/include \
       -DPACKAGE_INSTALL_DATA_DIR=/usr/share \
       -DENABLE_MT=ON ..
sudo make install

The libraries and header files are installed in the standard locations for the CentOS 7 system, so there's no need for further configurations.

The option ENABLE_MT requires the GEANT4 suite to be built with multi-thread support.

OpenCMT Castor Simulator: testing the application

The simulator requires two different configuration files: and muCastor.ini. The templates for those files with basic definitions are located in the setup directory of the castor-simulator project.

The configuration files must be located in the working directory. The application stores all the files in the directory output created in the working directory.

A simple test is:

simulate_muCastor -run 1 -events 100000

The Castor visualization tool

The simulator suite provides a visualization tool based on the Event Visualization Environment for ROOT. The tool is encapsulated in a ROOT macro, installed in the standard location for ROOT macros:

$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.22/02               |
  | (c) 1995-2020, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc on Aug 17 2020, 12:46:52                 |
  | From tags/v6-22-02@v6-22-02                                      |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'       |

root [0] .X runCastorEve.C(1)

The argument of the macro is the run number of the simulation. The tool requires the file  to be placed in the working directory, and the data files to be stored in the root  subdirectory.

The macro needs also a symbolic link to the root subdirectory:

ln -s $PWD/root $PWD/../root
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