LNGS requires to have the correct number plate for cars to be authorized for access to the underground laboratory.
For this you are requested to send me the license plate of the car used to enter into the underground laboratory as early as possible, whenever this is possible.
In case of rented cars (and only in this case), I can still ask authorization of the car using a placeholder license plate. Nevertheless, we need to update this license place PRIOR to first access of this car to the underground, subsequently.
Considering this, the registration of the cars (rented of not) needed for a shift at one of the accelerator of LNGS, follows the following Car Access Procedure. The Car Access Procedure complements (NOT substitutes) the "Request for beam lime" at the link: https://l.infn.it/lngs-ibf-beamtime.
The Car Access Procedure shall be triggered by the Working Group leader at least 5 working days before required access.
Car Access Procedure
- Working group leaders communicated information needed to register the car for underground access as follows:
- Summary field "Request for access with rented car"
- Organization "LUNA"
- Accelerator: Select the appropriate one
- Description: Put in the following information:
- Full list of persons to use the car (basically the list of shifter);
- Beam time in the context of which which the car is needed;
- Number plate of the car (if available, otherwise put "Rented").
- "Start date requested": First date of shift";
- "Desired end date requested": Last date of shift.
- Navigate to web link https://l.infn.it/lngs-ibf-car
- Fill in:
- Based on the information provided
- the car will be registered at LNGS;
- a screen shot of the registration will be uploaded to the ticket. Copy of the ticket will be send to the working group leader.
- The Working group leader shall
- cross check information registered at LNGS and ask for corrections (if needed);
- propagate the information to the relevant persons (e.g. shifters renting the car).
- In case you need access to the underground lab with a rented car for a shift, but you are uncertain if the car has been registered
- get back to the relevant working group leader before heading to LNGS;
- If needed, the Working Group leader will inquire for information by connecting to the ticket opened previously;
- Whoever takes a rented car to enter into the underground lab for shift must send an e-mail with
subject: "License Plate for accelerator shifter car"
to: spp@lngs.infn.ti
cc: acceleratori@lngs.infn.it
"The license plate of the car used to to access the underground laboratories of LNGS for activities at the LUNA-400/3.5 MV accelerator in the period from ..... to .... is .... .
Best regards"
Note: This step is applicable only if all previous steps have been done!
Except for unforeseen situation (mechanical failure of car, illness, etc) each entry shall be referred to one "real life license plate. This implies that in case of schedule change of car during a shift (e.g. for change of driver) distinct entries to the https://l.infn.it/lngs-ibf-car are needed.
Situations not defined in the above need to be agreed directly with the LNGS local reference person in due time.