This document states workflows to develop and deploy IOC on a EPIK8S infrastructure.
Common and preparatory steps
Install docker engine for mac/windows
For debian:
apt-get install docker-io
Create a GIT repository
Every IOC/application MUST have a GIT repository associated. A project must be created under or a different group like for instance:
Pay attention to not set the project private otherwise will not be possible to load it into the EPIK8S.
It's highly suggested to use to handle the project.
It's also recommended to use a container for development to decouple development of the application from the platform where the application is developed.
It's really simple to use a container please read this guide:
Setup environment variables
Depending on the target beamline (i.e. sparc environ EPIK8s Sparc):
- Setup EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST if needed,
- Phoebus environ if needed (settings.ini)
Python SoftIOC workflow
Setup a target container
For this kind of IOC it's recommended to use the docker image: since it contains the required packages and will be also the image that will be used to run this kind of softioc.
Create .devcontainer
directory into your vscode workspace and create a devcontainer.json like the following:
// For format details, see { "name": "python container", "image": "", "remoteEnv": { // allows X11 apps to run inside the container "DISPLAY": "${localEnv:DISPLAY}", // provides a name for epics-containers to use in bash prompt etc. "EC_PROJECT": "${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}" }, "features": { }, // IMPORTANT for this devcontainer to work with docker EC_REMOTE_USER must be // set to vscode. For podman it should be left blank. "remoteUser": "${localEnv:EC_REMOTE_USER}", "customizations": { "vscode": { // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created. "extensions": [ "ms-python.python", "ms-python.vscode-pylance", "tamasfe.even-better-toml", "redhat.vscode-yaml", "ryanluker.vscode-coverage-gutters", "epicsdeb.vscode-epics", "" ] } }, // Make sure the files we are mapping into the container exist on the host // You can place any other outside of the container before-launch commands here //"initializeCommand": "bash .devcontainer/initializeCommand ${devcontainerId}", // Hooks the global .bashprofile_dev_container but also can add any other commands // to run in the container at creation in here //"postCreateCommand": "bash .devcontainer/postCreateCommand ${devcontainerId}", // forward ports to clients "appPort": [5064,"5064:5064/udp","5065:5065/udp"], "runArgs": [ // Allow the container to access the host X11 display and EPICS CA //"--net=host", // Make sure SELinux does not disable with access to host filesystems like tmp "--security-opt=label=disable" ], "workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder},target=/app/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename},type=bind", "workspaceFolder": "/app/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}", "mounts": [ // Mount some useful local files from the user's home directory // By mounting the parent of the workspace we can work on multiple peer projects "source=${localWorkspaceFolder}/../,target=/repos,type=bind", // this provides eternal bash history in and out of the container "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.bash_eternal_history,target=/root/.bash_eternal_history,type=bind", // this bashrc hooks up the .bashrc_dev_container in the following mount "source=${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/.bashrc,target=/root/.bashrc,type=bind", // provides a place for you to put your shell customizations for all your dev containers "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.bashrc_dev_container,target=/root/.bashrc_dev_container,type=bind", // provides a place to install any packages you want to have across all your dev containers "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.bashprofile_dev_container,target=/root/.bashprofile_dev_container,type=bind", // provides the same command line editing experience as your host "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.inputrc,target=/root/.inputrc,type=bind" ] }
A fully functional example:
Access container from command line
To test the container connection:
docker run -it bash epics@d916ac2d3987:~$ export ## list of IOCs or gateway epics@d916ac2d3987:~$ python Python 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import epics >>> epics.caget("SR00RPA01:DVDR") 'Redpitaya'
Follow development guidelines
SOFT IOC Development SoftIOC in a Linux-like environment
EPICS IOC/support
A docker image that can be used as epics7 for development is:
It contains several support modules used in deployment.
So for instance to start a shell and mount the current directory '.' to /mnt :
The example here below initialize a directory with a standard ioc/support tree:
docker run -p 5064:5064/udp -p 5064:5064/tcp -p 5065:5065/udp -p 5065:5065/tcp -v .:/mnt -it bash ## docker shell cd /mnt ## go in the . directory that is mounted mkdir mynewiocsample cd mynewuicsample -t example mynewiocsample make
Setup a target container
Create .devcontainer
directory into your vscode workspace and create a devcontainer.json like the following:
// For format details, see { "name": "Native IOC development container", "image": "", "remoteEnv": { // allows X11 apps to run inside the container "DISPLAY": "${localEnv:DISPLAY}", // provides a name for epics-containers to use in bash prompt etc. "EC_PROJECT": "${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}" }, "features": { }, // IMPORTANT for this devcontainer to work with docker EC_REMOTE_USER must be // set to vscode. For podman it should be left blank. "remoteUser": "${localEnv:EC_REMOTE_USER}", "customizations": { "vscode": { // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created. "extensions": [ "ms-python.python", "ms-python.vscode-pylance", "tamasfe.even-better-toml", "redhat.vscode-yaml", "ryanluker.vscode-coverage-gutters", "epicsdeb.vscode-epics", "" ] } }, // Make sure the files we are mapping into the container exist on the host // You can place any other outside of the container before-launch commands here //"initializeCommand": "bash .devcontainer/initializeCommand ${devcontainerId}", // Hooks the global .bashprofile_dev_container but also can add any other commands // to run in the container at creation in here //"postCreateCommand": "bash .devcontainer/postCreateCommand ${devcontainerId}", // forward ports to clients "appPort": [5064,"5064:5064/udp","5065:5065/udp"], "runArgs": [ // Allow the container to access the host X11 display and EPICS CA //"--net=host", // Make sure SELinux does not disable with access to host filesystems like tmp "--security-opt=label=disable" ], "workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder},target=/app/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename},type=bind", "workspaceFolder": "/app/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}", "mounts": [ // Mount some useful local files from the user's home directory // By mounting the parent of the workspace we can work on multiple peer projects "source=${localWorkspaceFolder}/../,target=/repos,type=bind", ] }
GIGE Camera
Gigavision cameras that support GIGE protocol can be acquired by ADAravis support that is already included in production/development infn-epics-ioc container.
NOTE: this container must be launched with the --network=host to access GIGE cameras.
Devel example
Example development the arv-tool command inside the container can be used to explore cameras that can be accessed:
docker run --network=host -v .:/epics/ioc/config -it bash .. root@chaost-camera01:/epics/generic-source/ioc/config# arv-tool-0.8 Basler-a2A1920-51gmBAS-40426579 ( Basler-a2A2600-20gmBAS-40437925 ( Basler-scA640-70gm-24159532 (
Production example
The configuration and pipelining of plugin can be very difficult and error prone, so the IBEK + templating support is highly recommended IBEK.
Create a directory <test> and create a camera_template.j2 file like that:
camera template
# yaml-language-server: $schema=../schemas/ ioc_name: {{name}} description: Camera SIM model with plugins entities: {%- if devtype == "camerasim" %} - type: ADSimDetector.simDetector {% else %} - type: ADAravis.aravisCamera ID: {{CAMERA_ID}} CLASS: {{CAMERA_CLASS}} {% endif %} PORT: {{iocroot}} P: "{{iocprefix}}:" R: "{{iocroot}}:" - type: ADCore.NDROI PORT: {{iocroot}}.ROI1 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}} P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Roi1:" ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDProcess PORT: {{iocroot}}.PROC P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Proc1:" NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.ROI1 ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDOverlay PORT: {{iocroot}}.OVERLAY1 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}} P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Overlay1:" NAME: "Reference" NOverlays: 8 SHAPE: "3" XPOS: "" YPOS: "" XCENT: "" YCENT: "" XSIZE: "" YSIZE: "" XWIDTH: "" YWIDTH: "" O: "1:" # Want to have also high throuput PVA protocol - type: ADCore.NDPvaPlugin PORT: {{iocroot}}.PVA PVNAME: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:PVA:OUTPUT" P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Pva1:" NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}} ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDPvaPlugin PORT: {{iocroot}}.PVA2 PVNAME: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:PROC:OUTPUT" P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Proc1:Pva1:" NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.PROC ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDPvaPlugin PORT: {{iocroot}}.PVA3 PVNAME: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:ROI1:OUTPUT" P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Roi1:Pva1:" NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.ROI1 ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDStdArrays P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":image1:" PORT: {{iocroot}}.NTD NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}} TYPE: {{CAMERA_TYPE}} FTVL: {{CAMERA_FTVL}} NELEMENTS: {{CAMERA_ELEMS}} ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDPvaPlugin PORT: {{iocroot}}.PVA4 PVNAME: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:OVERLAY1:OUTPUT" P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Overlay1:Pva1:" NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.OVERLAY1 ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDStdArrays P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":image2:" PORT: {{iocroot}}.NTD2 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.PROC TYPE: {{CAMERA_TYPE}} FTVL: {{CAMERA_FTVL}} NELEMENTS: {{CAMERA_ELEMS}} ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDStats PORT: {{iocroot}}.STATS NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}} HIST_SIZE: 50 P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Stats1:" XSIZE: {{CAMERA_STATS_XSIZE}} YSIZE: {{CAMERA_STATS_YSIZE}} ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDStats PORT: {{iocroot}}.STATS2 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.PROC HIST_SIZE: 50 P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Proc1:Stats1:" XSIZE: {{CAMERA_STATS_XSIZE}} YSIZE: {{CAMERA_STATS_YSIZE}} ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDStats PORT: {{iocroot}}.STATS3 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.ROI1 HIST_SIZE: 50 P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Roi1:Stats1:" XSIZE: {{CAMERA_STATS_XSIZE}} YSIZE: {{CAMERA_STATS_YSIZE}} ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDFileTIFF PORT: {{iocroot}}.TIFF NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}} P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":TIFF1:" ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDFileTIFF PORT: {{iocroot}}.TIFF2 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.PROC P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Proc1:TIFF1:" ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDFileTIFF PORT: {{iocroot}}.TIFF3 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.ROI1 P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Roi1:TIFF1:" ENABLED: 1 - type: ADCore.NDFileTIFF PORT: {{iocroot}}.TIFF4 NDARRAY_PORT: {{iocroot}}.OVERLAY1 P: "{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}" R: ":Overlay1:TIFF1:" ENABLED: 1 - type: epics.PostStartupCommand command: dbl ## dumps PV NAMES - type: epics.PostStartupCommand command: | dbl("*") > {{data_config}}/pvlist.txt dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:TIFF1:FilePath", "{{data_dir}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:TIFF1:FileWriteMode",2) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:TIFF1:FileName","camera") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:TIFF1:AutoIncrement",1) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:TIFF1:FileTemplate","%s%s_%3.3d.tiff") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF1:FilePath", "{{data_dir}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF1:FileWriteMode",2) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF1:FileName","{{iocroot}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF1:AutoIncrement",1) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF1:FileTemplate","%s%s_proc_%3.3d.tiff") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF:FilePath", "{{data_dir}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF:FileWriteMode",2) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF:FileName","{{iocroot}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF:AutoIncrement",1) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Proc1:TIFF:FileTemplate","%s%s_proc_%3.3d.tiff") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Roi1:TIFF1:FilePath", "{{data_dir}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Roi1:TIFF1:FileWriteMode",2) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Roi1:TIFF1:FileName","{{iocroot}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Roi1:TIFF1:AutoIncrement",1) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Roi1:TIFF1:FileTemplate","%s%s_roi_%3.3d.tiff") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Overlay1:TIFF1:FilePath", "{{data_dir}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Overlay1:TIFF1:FileWriteMode",2) dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Overlay1:TIFF1:FileTemplate","%s%s_overlay_%3.3d.tiff") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Overlay1:TIFF1:FileName","{{iocroot}}") dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:Overlay1:EnableCallbacks","1") {%- for param in iocinit %} dbpf("{{iocprefix}}:{{iocroot}}:{{}}","{{param.value}}") {%- endfor %} - type: epics.EpicsCaMaxArrayBytes max_bytes: 10000000
camera ibek specific rendering
And a camerainit.yml that produce the ibek yaml for the given camera:
name: "SCOUT640" asset: "" charturl: '' host: "" user: "root" iocdir: "camera" ca_server_port: 5264 pva_server_port: 5275 docker: enable: true image: devtype: camera devgroup: diag iocprefix: "EUAPS:CAM" iocroot: "SCOUT64" autosync: false ## restart automatically on changes opi: url: main: Camera_Main.bob macro: - name: "DEVICE" value: EUAPS:CAM - name: "CAM" value: "SCOUT64" CAMERA_ID: "Basler-scA640-70gm-24159532" CAMERA_CLASS: "Basler-scA640-70gm" CAMERA_TYPE: "Int8" CAMERA_FTVL: "USHORT" CAMERA_ELEMS: 5616000 CAMERA_STATS_XSIZE: 1024 CAMERA_STATS_YSIZE: 768
The application jnjrender (pip install jnjrender) will render a valid ibek yaml camera_template.yaml
jnjrender camera_template.j2 camerainit.yml --output camera_template.yaml
camera run
Now launch the docker mounting the directory that contains the camera_template.yaml in /epics/ioc/config
docker run --network=host -v .:/epics/ioc/config -it
Deploy on the target EPIK8S
Once your IOC/application named 'mynewioc' is tested and ready to be published on the target EPIK8S.
Identify your target EPIK8S information page (i.e EPIK8s Sparc ) retrieving "GIT Control Source" URL, clone it:
git clone<BEAMLINE>.git --recurse-submodules
or update a pre-existing one:
git pull --recurse-submodules ## to update remote changes
you should have a directory like this:
├── ├── config │ ├── applications │ │ ├── flame-state-import │ │ └── icpdastemp01 │ ├── iocs │ │ ├── mrf01 │ │ ├── pitaya │ │ ├── temp01 │ │ └── mynewioc <-- add here your folder or git subproject for configuration │ └── services │ └── cagateway ├── deploy │ ├── Chart.yaml │ ├── templates │ │ └── epik8.yaml │ └── values.yaml <-- add here your IOC to deploy ├─ ...
Adding IOC
Suppose your iocname is mynewioc you should create a folder with the same name. This folder should contain a:
- ioc.yaml if your IOC is generic and has support in ibek see IBEK support
- + other ioc startup files or submodules. The is the entry point that can perform some useful substitutions in case of multiple instances of same ioc and start your IOC.
In case mynewioc is a soft IOC this directory should also contain the git submodule that point to your application git repository.
Example softioc
If your mynewioc is a softioc you should have a repository for it. So in the EPIK8S folder config/iocs/mynewioc you must add your repository as submodule:
cd <EPIK8Sfolder/config/iocs> git pull --recurse-submodules ## to update remote changes git submodule update --init ## to update eventually new submodules mkdir mynewioc git add mynewioc cd mynewioc ## here add your new submodule git submodule add <your repository_URL> scripts # your softioc repository will be added as scripts git commit -m "your comment Add submodule <submodule_name>" git push origin <your remote branch i.e main/master>
In your application repository create a bash file named (bash script) that will be used to start your application.
#!/bin/bash script_dir=$(dirname "$0") cd $script_dir echo "Starting $__IOC_NAME__ : $EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST" python ./scripts/mynewioc <parameters> -c myconfig.json
This script will launch ./scripts/mynewioc (remember scripts scripts is the folder name you gave to your submodule in the previous step) and will give some parameters and a configuration myconfig.json file that must be added to the mynewioc.
Add IOC configuration to EPIK8s
Once your configuration directory mynewioc is complete. We need to add to the main git repository.
cd <EPIK8Sfolder/config/iocs/mynewioc> chmod a+x # make executable git add myconfig.json scripts git commit -m "my comment" . git push origin
This way we just added the information needed to start the ioc, but we still instruct ArgoCD to launch the IOC in the EPIK8S target infrastructure.
Deploy IOC to EPIK8s infrastructure
We should now add and entry into <EPIK8Sfolder/deploy/values.yaml>
We must distinguish IOC types, the configuration is slightly different if the IOC runs inside the cluster or outside.
In cluster
You must find the iocs section in deploy/values.yaml and add your IOC:
name: "mynewioc" asset: "" charturl: '' image: iocprefix: "SPARC:ORBIT" start: "/epics/ioc/config/" ## if your mynewioc has a this line must be kept gitinit: true
Out Cluster
This is the case of devices that have an IOC embedded. This case EPIK8S will transfer the configuration on the remote target and will start the IOC via ssh.
NOTE: the remote IOC must have sshd and an authorised key to perform ssh commands.
- name: "mrf01" asset: "" charturl: '' iocname: "mrf01" iocprefix: "MRF01" host: "" ## HOST user: "root" ## USER workdir: "/home/nat/progetti/mrfioc2/iocBoot/epik8s" ## WORKDIR (where transfer config/iocs/mrf01 configuration) exec: ""
Test syntax deploy
It's recommended to test the deploy before commit changes to avoid putting not working deploy in ARGOCD that will block any other deploy.
To test a deploy, you need to have helm tool installed, then go into the deploy directory just where the values.yaml is. Then do the following command:
helm template --debug .
Commit the deploy
Once your deploy configuration is ready you should commit.
cd <EPIK8Sfolder/> git commit -m "my comment" . git push origin
ArgoCD after few minutes will update the cluster.
The status should be visible on
Updating an existing IOC
If you only wants to updated an existing IOC, after it has been modified in the linked repository:
cd /<your git directory>/epik8-<beamline name> ## for example epik8-sparc git pull --recurse-submodules ## to update remote changes git submodule update --init ## to update eventually new submodules cd <config/iocs/<ioc_name>/scripts> git pull ## updates to remote changes cd .. git add ./scripts/ git commit -m "updated IOC <ioc_name>" git push origin
To make the changes effective in the running IOC, you have to restart the related process in ArgoCD.
Update EPICS CA clients
If you want your new IOC be visible to all EPICS CA clients you should restart ca-gateway service via ArgoCD. This could bring few seconds of services interruption.
Setup Phoebus and develop the OPI for your softioc
Install Phoebus: Phoebus.
If you want to develop the OPI for your IOC however each K8S ECS installation has in its GIT Control Source project a directory opi (that is a git subproject with other subproject) that contain a Launcher.bob and a, this setup is intended to start the main control interface of a given beamline.
If you are developing an gui interface that must be integrated in the control a OPI Development Workflow must be followed.