Blog from January, 2016


PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)

  Meeting at 11.00 for strategy in delta time


!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)

 Fix the problem of RESTORE



WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Eliana Gioscio)

 Test of the new interface


SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)

 CHECK development

MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)

Fix program of the measure profiling


 BEAM SHOTS (Luca Gennaro Foggetta, Claudio di Giulio)


The check has been executed with operators on control console and operators in front of powersupply! This permitted a cross heck of command sent from control layes and what was received from powersupply. We was able to check the intere flow of a command and the readout of variables that was influenced by it.



12.16 First test on QUATB001, slow needs different strategy

14.50 Modified CU with slow command



PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)

Two dedicated meeting for WEBUI (on 14jan) and SCARPERS on 15jan

DAFNE Environment(Paolo Ciuffetti,Francesco Galletti,Alessandro Stecchi)


BTF environment (Luca Gennaro Foggetta,Claudio Di Giulio)


!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)

 CHAOS was up under stress condition from many different trials of compliling CUs

SAVE on !CHAOS completed, now patching RESTORE

!CHAOS infrastructure (Riccardo Gargana)


WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Eliana Gioscio)

LOST 3 Hour of work because the U server was down, there is no signaling from it


WEBCAM (Stefano Pioli,Giampiero Di Pirro)

 DRIVER and SAmple program ok, needs debug of test software


SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)

 Finished Manual controller, needs converging in philosophy of driver developing!

 Needs test single axis (on Friday morning). Next test multi axes; to do this need setup of SloSyn Motor in Laboratory environment & canbus cabling.

MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)

Negative days...patching since huge lag in time, we try to understand better driver sending command strategy, we optimize with a internal driver cache with time valued aging data.

The old strategy (buffering and reduce numebr of commands) seems not working as it did with the beagle setup.

We manage we try to decouple the user/CU request from the driver machine resquest

DAQ CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Luca Gennaro Foggetta)




SAVE RESTORE discussion on SAVE RESTORE features



STAFF for testbeam

PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)


DAFNE Environment(Paolo Ciuffetti,Francesco Galletti,Alessandro Stecchi)


BTF environment (Luca Gennaro Foggetta,Claudio Di Giulio)


!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)


!CHAOS infrastructure (Riccardo Gargana)


WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Eliana Gioscio)


WEBCAM (Stefano Pioli,Giampiero Di Pirro)


SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)


MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)


DAQ CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Luca Gennaro Foggetta)




SAVE RESTORE discussion on SAVE RESTORE features




PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)


DAFNE Environment(Paolo Ciuffetti,Francesco Galletti,Alessandro Stecchi)


BTF environment (Luca Gennaro Foggetta,Claudio Di Giulio)


!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)


!CHAOS infrastructure (Riccardo Gargana)


WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Eliana Gioscio)

debug of the new WEBUI with adding the save restore feature for the !CHAOS protocol

SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)

manual controller in developing

WEBCAM (Stefano Pioli,Giampiero Di Pirro)

Staring to develop linux based software for CAM, basler seems working with some lag


MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)

Now we are working with a 5 elements in the same moxa channel, hard test for the point of view of the  multiplicity.

INIT on OCEM driver  5s per channel, too slow, we have to improve scheduling in the driver side

CU didn't start because it went in TO during the init phase, it was due to the huge time requested to CU init proc

It was implemented a serializator for pushing the command in Round Robin from the driver side.

A good comm with the TRXLINE1 is reached

DAQ CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Luca Gennaro Foggetta)



Discussion on INIT feature




Logbook, first day on run

PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)

Each day, meeting at 1100

DAFNE Environment(Paolo Ciuffetti,Francesco Galletti,Alessandro Stecchi)

BTF Magnet offline, removed from DBFiles, so BTF One electron will not work!!!!

BTF environment (Luca Gennaro Foggetta,Claudio Di Giulio)

We start to fill doc for setup a correct testbeam on How to setup a TESTBEAM

BTF up in the morning with all checks performed

Copy of the BTF DAQ for !CHAOS in operation

!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)

!CHAOS ready since one month, check connection ok

!CHAOS infrastructure (Riccardo Gargana)

Up and ready, also for assistance and backup

WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Unknown User (gioscio))

We start to use the old WEBUI for the first days, the new WEBUI js is under debug .

WEBCAM (Stefano Pioli,Giampiero Di Pirro)

Gargana setup a new VM on BTF rack server, vwbtfhacam001 at, internal network The BTF basler SCA1300-32GM is on the internal network address

SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)

The test setup is on, and we reach

MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)


DAQ CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Luca Gennaro Foggetta)

DEBUG, problem with the repaired V513 module, some noise pickup on the V792 gate.



SAVE RESTORE discussion on SAVE RESTORE features