Software development

The following guidelines apply to all the git repositories of the MuonColliderSoft project

Dealing with git

It's strongly recommended for a developer to:

  • create one or more personal branches for any kind of purpose
  • issue a Pull-Request from the personal branch into the master  one whenever a set of changes needs to be merged
  • avoid using master  branch directly, even for small fixes

In general there're no restrictions on the master branch for a git repository, so in case it is possible for every developer of the group to push directly a change on it.

The master branch is the only one suitable for tagging a release; any reference to mc  branches must be considered obsolete.

If it's necessary to pull some changes from the original git repository, for example one of the iLCSoft components, the procedure consists on:

  • creating a temporary branch
  • pulling the changes and fixing any conflicts in the temporary branch
  • issuing a pull request to the main branch
  • No labels