To access the Storage Element you need a valid grid certificate, following for example this guide (for INFN users).

Then to use SRM you need also to be registered to the vo. If not register here.

A page to monitor space usage can be found here

The SE endpoint is: The reserver area is:

Gfal utils

As example you can use the gfal utils to interact with it; most used commands are:

  • gfal-ls: List information about the files
  • gfal-xattr: Display attributes of a file or set them to a new value
  • gfal-cat: Concatenate file to standard output
  • gfal-mkdir: Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist
  • gfal-copy: Copy files
  • gfal-stat: Display extended information about a file or directory
  • gfal-chmod: Change the permissions of a file
  • gfal-rename: Renames SOURCE to DESTINATION
  • gfal-sum: Calculates the checksum of the specified file, using a specified checksum algoritm
  • gfal-rm: Removes each specified file or directory
  • gfal-save: Reads from stdin and writes to a file until it finds EOF

Some examples:

gfal-ls srm://

gfal-copy <>  srm://

gfal-rm srm://<>

To install a basic UI see here

More details and ways to reach it can be found here
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