Versions Compared


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Name and LinkML TechnologiesScientific FieldML ToolsComments
Btagging in CMS (templated version)CNN, LSTMHigh Energy PhysicsKeras + TensorflowRealistic application
LHCb Masterclass, with KerasDE, MLPHigh Energy PhysicsROOT + Keras + TFIntroductory tutorial
MNIST in a C headerMLP
KerasFree-styling tutorial

LUMIN: Lumin Unifies Many Improvements for Networks

CNN, RNN, GNNHigh Energy PhysicsPyTorchPackage use examples
INFERNO: Inference-Aware Neural OptimisationNNHigh Energy PhysicsKeras + TensorflowTechnique application example
An introduction to classification with CMS dataFisher, BDT, MLPHigh Energy PhysicsScikit-learn, TF2

Tutorials for Master Students

Virgo Autoencoder tutorialAutoencoderGeneral RelativityPython KerasTutorial for student
Distributed training of neural networks with Apache SparkDNNHigh Energy PhysicsSpark + BigDLTutorial
FTS log analysis with NLPNLPHigh Energy Physics, ComputingWord2Vec + Rake + sklearn

Image Inpainting tutorial: how to digitally restore damaged images

CNN U-NetApplied PhysicsKeras + Sci-kit image, PIL, OpenCV, matplotlibTutorial

Signal/background discrimination for the VBF Higgs four lepton decay channel with the CMS experiment using Machine Learning classification techniques

ANNs, RFHigh Energy PhysicsKeras , TensorFlow, Scikit-learnTutorial

Explainability of a CNN classifier for breast density assessment

CNNMedical PhysicsKeras, TensorflowTutorial

ML for smart caching

ML/RLHigh Energy Physics, Computing, CacheKeras, Tensorflow, sklearnDemo, playground

Signal-background Classification with Parametric Neural Networks

pNNHigh Energy PhysicsKeras + TensorFlow 2Tutorial
New Physics Learning MachineNNHigh Energy PhysicsKeras, Tensorflowpackage + tutorial
MLaaS4HEP for the Higgs boson ML challengeDT, MLPHigh Energy PhysicsXGBoost, Keras + TensorFlow 2, PyTorchTutorial
Object counting with c-ResUnetCNN, ResUnet, semantic segmentationComputer VisionPyTorch, fastaiReal application, Tutorial

How to insert a new use case
