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The basic installation of operating systems and a foundational Kubernetes infrastructure with Calico CNI is carried out using Puppet and Foreman."

The modules used are as follows, some created as needed and others taken from the Puppet Forge repository:

Module using from puppet-forge:

puppetlabs-kubernetes  version 8.0.0

puppetlabs-helm  version 4.0.0 (Patched in baltig)

Module create purpose:

Il rgargana-helm_deploy_chart (in baltig)

rgargana-installer (in baltig)

Image Added

Il modulo puppetlabs-kubernetes  necessita di una prima inizializzazione, come da guida, per settare alcuni parametri comuni sia la control che al worker:

Code Block
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/mnt -e OS=redhat -e VERSION=1.23.7 -e CONTAINER_RUNTIME=docker -e CNI_PROVIDER=cilium -e CNI_PROVIDER_VERSION=1.9.0 -e ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER=plsparcdom001: -e ETCD_IP="%{networking.ip}" -e KUBE_API_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS="%{networking.ip}" -e INSTALL_DASHBOARD=true -e CNI_NETWORK_PROVIDER=  puppet/kubetool:6.2.0