Versions Compared


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  • is our application working?
  • how many requests per second is it responding to?
  • what are the response times?
  • how much network traffic is it producing?
  • how stressed are the servers on which our application is located?
  • what is the http request that always responds in a very long time?
  • the database is unable to respond quickly enough, but maybe there is a bottleneck somewhere?

The Prometheus opensource monitoring solution (official page) can solution can answer these and many other questions and addresses and solves these problems thanks also to the excellent travel companion Grafana. Grafana is a web application that creates graphs divided into panels, with data coming from a variety of different sources, such as OpenTSDB, InfluxDB, ElasticSearc and Prometheus itself.

Installation with Docker-compose

We present a procedure that establishes the service using Docker-compose. Obviously, Docker-compose must be present on the system (if not present install docker-compose). Create a folder (e.g. "mkdir prometheus") in which we insert the docker-compose.yml file

Code Block
version: '3'
    image: prom/prometheus
    container_name: prometheus
      - 90:9090
    restart: always
    user: '1000'
      - "$PWD/promdata:/prometheus"
      - "$PWD/promconf:/etc/prometheus:ro"
    command: "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --storage.tsdb.retention=90d"
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "200k"
        max-file: "10"

Always inside the prometheus folder we create 2 other folders, called promconf and promdata, where we will insert, respectively, our configurations, present in the prometheus.yml file, and storage. The latter allows you to configure Prometheus to monitor itself. The just mentioned configuration file is








Prometheus collects metrics of monitored targets by scraping the HTTP endpoints of these targets. Since Prometheus himself exposes his internal metrics through the same mechanism, it is possible to scrape and monitor his health through the same mechanism. Now let's launch the service in background mode with the command

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titleLaunch Prometheus
$ docker-compose up -d
# To check the logs
$ docker-compose logs

At this point, we open the browser at the address <master_FIP>:<port>. The service is exposed by default on port 9090, but we have opted for port 90, which must be opened on OpenStack, for security reasons: the port is accessible with the network of the CNAF headquarters or via VPN if you are away.

In general, if we wanted to launch Prometheus with a custom version, we can further modify the prometheus.yml file. For example, it is possible to modify the global configuration of the Prometheus server, specify the location of additional .yaml files containing rules that we want to upload to the server or define which resources should be monitored. An extensive overview of the possible configurations is available here.

Installation with Helm

Probably the fastest and most efficient way to get Prometheus is via Helm chart.  Add the repo (reference) and Add the repo and install the chart (here we work in namespace monitoring)

Code Block
titleInstall chart
# Add the prometheus-community repo and perform a general update of the repositories
$ helm repo add prometheus-community
$ helm repo update
# Install Chart
$ kubectl create namespace monitoring Use the --create-namespace flag, if the namespace does not exist
$ helm install <chart_name> prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring [--create-namespace]

In this way we will have already deployed all the components in our cluster. To perform a quick test, you can connect, via browser, to the user interfaces of Prometheus and Grafana, modifying the two services in a similar way to what was seen for the Kubernetes dashboard: edit the type of service, from ClusterIP to NodePort, and select a port in the range 30000-32767. At the first access to Grafana you will be asked for your credentials, which you can later change. Credentials are present in github site.



Image RemovedGrafana UIImage Added


Prometheus UIImage Modified

Upgrade or uninstall chart
