First test on QUATB001, slow needs different strategy
PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)
Two dedicated meeting for WEBUI (on 14jan) and SCARPERS on 15jan
DAFNE Environment(Paolo Ciuffetti,Francesco Galletti,Alessandro Stecchi)
BTF environment (Luca Gennaro Foggetta,Claudio Di Giulio)
!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)
CHAOS was up under stress condition from many different trials of compliling CUs
SAVE on !CHAOS completed, now patching RESTORE
!CHAOS infrastructure (Riccardo Gargana)
WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Eliana Gioscio)
LOST 3 Hour of work because the U server was down, there is no signaling from it
WEBCAM (Stefano Pioli,Giampiero Di Pirro)
DRIVER and SAmple program ok, needs debug of test software
SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)
Manual controller in final phase, needs converging in philosophy of driver developing
MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)
Negative days...patching since huge lag in time, we try to understand better driver sending command strategy, we optimize with a internal driver cache with time valued aging data.
The old strategy (buffering and reduce numebr of commands) seems not working as it did with the beagle setup.
We manage we try to decouple the user/CU request from the driver machine resquest
DAQ CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Luca Gennaro Foggetta)
SAVE RESTORE discussion on SAVE RESTORE features