PLANNING and events (Luca Gennaro Foggetta)


DAFNE Environment(Paolo Ciuffetti,Francesco Galletti,Alessandro Stecchi)


BTF environment (Luca Gennaro Foggetta,Claudio Di Giulio)


!CHAOS environment(Claudio Bisegni)


!CHAOS infrastructure (Riccardo Gargana)


WEB UI (Paolo Ciuffetti, Eliana Gioscio)

debug of the new WEBUI with adding the save restore feature for the !CHAOS protocol

SCRAPERS (Francesco Galletti,Salvatore Caschera)

manual controller in developing

WEBCAM (Stefano Pioli,Giampiero Di Pirro)

Staring to develop linux based software for CAM, basler seems working with some lag


MAGNETS CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Alessandro D'Uffizi)

Now we are working with a 5 elements in the same moxa channel, hard test for the point of view of the  multiplicity.

INIT on OCEM driver  5s per channel, too slow, we have to improve scheduling in the driver side

CU didn't start because it went in TO during the init phase, it was due to the huge time requested to CU init proc

It was implemented a serializator for pushing the command in Round Robin from the driver side.

A good comm with the TRXLINE1 is reached

DAQ CU and DRIVER (Andrea Michelotti,Luca Gennaro Foggetta)



Discussion on INIT feature



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