The host that serves AFP and boot service for old devil hosts is ( - This host is a VM inside DA-Dell2 Cluster and is a Debian 9.12 (stretch) because the service was not available under CentOS.
Installation History
This is the service installation history. It will be used to document the service installation in a better way.
Service installation history
root@vldafneafp:~# apt install vim net-tools git python3-pymemcache root@vldafneafp:~# git config --global http.proxy root@vldafneafp:~# apt install isc-dhcp-server # config files: /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf root@vldafneafp:~# systemctl enable isc-dhcp-server root@vldafneafp:~# systemctl start isc-dhcp-server root@vldafneafp:~# apt install tftpd-hpa # config files: /etc/default/tftpd-hpa /srv/tftp/ root@vldafneafp:~# systemctl enable tftpd-hpa root@vldafneafp:~# systemctl start tftpd-hpa root@vldafneafp:~# apt install netatalk # config files: /etc/default/netatalk /etc/netatalk/[afpd.conf,AppleVolumes.default,atalkd.conf] root@vldafneafp:~# systemctl enable netatalk root@vldafneafp:~# systemctl start netatalk root@vldafneafp:~# tar czvfp devil_apple_debian9.tar.gz /srv/data /srv/tftp /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf /etc/default/netatalk /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default /etc/netatalk/atalkd.conf root@vldafneafp:~# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2.7 1 root@vldafneafp:~# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.5 2 root@vldafneafp:~# update-alternatives --config python # This is not present -> vim /lib/systemd/system/apple-monitor.service # This is not present -> chown -R dante:dante /opt/devilappleinfo # This is not present -> systemctl daemon-reload # This is not present -> systemctl enable apple-monitor # This is not present -> systemctl start apple-monitor