v02-08-MC - April 2023

Released on AlmaLinux 9

External software

System software

Compiled software

New packages

MuonCVXDDigitiser → v00-01

A vertex digitiser processor for Muon Collider, it contains two processors:

Packages changes wrt. to v02-07-MC

Packages which have a new tag-release in the official repository

Removed Packages

v02-07-MCNovember 2021

Released also on CentOStream 8

External software

New packages

Packages changes wrt. to v02-06-MC

These packages have a new tag-release in the official repository and have been updated:

v02-06-MCMarch 2021

Recompile everything against c++17

External software

Packages changes wrt. to v02-05-MC

v02-05-MC → December 2020

External software

Packages changes wrt. to v02-04-MC

v02-04-MC → November 2020

External software

Packages changes wrt. to v02-03-MC

v02-03-MC → November 2020

External software

Packages changed wrt. to v02-02-MC

Know problems

  1. The paths of the geometry in the MuonCutil/confile/* are wrongs.
    1. Use the correct ones: /opt/ilcsoft/v02-03-MC/detector-simulation/geometries/MuColl_v0/MuColl_v0.xml
  2. Default value for ddsim is to use HepMC3 Helper reader which is not supported by now. 
    1. Use the command line option for ddsim: --hepmc3.useHepMC3 false or put SIM.hepmc3.useHepMC3 = False in your steering file
  3. Using hepmc input file for ddsim produces a fatal exception likes this one: (see DD4Hep issue #759 in DD4Hep)
    G4DecayTable::SelectADecayChannel :: no possible DecayChannel mu+

    -------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
    *** G4Exception : DECAY003
    issued by : G4Decay::DoIt
    Can not determine decay channel for mu+
    mass of dynamic particle: 0.00010566 (GEV)
    dacay table has 1 entries
    0: BR 1, IsOK? 0, --> e+ + nu_e + anti_nu_mu

    *** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
    1. At the moment the only workaround is to downgrade the version of DD4Hep from v01-14 to v01-13-01

v02-02-MC → October 2020

External software

Official ILCSoft release v02-02 plus