Network Connection
em2 → swlat2 - port #25 (vlan 192.168.193.x)
p1p2 → swlat2 - port #26 (vlan 192.168.194.x)
fibre optic uplink swlat2 → swlat - mod 2 - port SFP #18
Server address:
Web Administration Interface:
Administrator User: admin
Administrator Password: <root password of control system services>
Restarting SunRay Services
The best way to restart all services is to reboot the physical server. So, from, as root user, lauch:
shutdown -r now
In this way all physical memory will be free and all SunRay services are restarted correctly.
The web interface permits to restart the services in a "warm" way (keeping all active sessions) or with a "cold restart" (destroying active sessions).
In conclusion:
Try a Warm Restart from web interface if active sessions are not to be closed;
Physically restart the server in all other cases;