External documentation
For any info on memcached use, follow this link: External documentation on memcached
Service Check
To check if memcached service is running, launch this command and check its output on server vldantemem001.lnf.infn.it
( as root user:
[root@vldantemem001 ~]# systemctl status memcached
If the service is active (view following screenshot) then it's running, otherwise read which errors are reported.
Monitoring Service
The service is monitored by grafana
Client Test
Try to connect to memcached service with the following command:
telnet vldantemem001.lnf.infn.it 11211
The server must answer like the following screenshot:
Try to send a command that do not interfere with the memory content, for example:
The server will respond like this screenshot:
List all keys (libmemcached-tools package) :
memcdump --server vldantemem001.lnf.infn.it
For more commands, refer to Memcached Wiki Page.
Stop Service
WARNING: All control system programs relies on this service. BE CAREFUL WHEN STOPPING THIS SERVICE
To stop memcached, run this command as root user:
[root@vldantemem001 ~]# systemctl stop memcached
Start Service
To start memcached, run this command as root user:
[root@vldantemem001 ~]# systemctl start memcached
Restart Service
To restart memcached, run this command as root user:
[root@vldantemem001 ~]# systemctl restart memcached