Service Information

The TFTP server for DAFNE Control System is installed on host (CentOS 7). The configuration file for TFTP service is:


And the folder containing the data shared through TFTP is:


Where /tftpboot is a symbolic link to /data/tftpboot;

Service Stop

(warning) WARNING: All diskless clients relies on this service. BE CAREFUL WHEN STOPPING THIS SERVICE (warning)

To stop TFTP service, run the following commands as root user:

[root@dafnenfs ~]# systemctl stop tftp.service
[root@dafnenfs ~]# systemctl stop xinetd.service

(warning) Be careful: stopping xinetd service, all sub-service depending on it will stop working (warning)

Service Start

To start TFTP service, run the following commands as root user:

[root@dafnenfs ~]# systemctl start xinetd.service
[root@dafnenfs ~]# systemctl start tftp.service
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