Create Users

The first step is to create dante and dafne users. dante has to be an Administrator while dafne has to be a normal user.

Create and configure folder for VIs

Create a folder called control in the main disk (usually C:\control). Then, set up this folder to be managed by dante and with read/execute permissions for dafne user.

  1. Create a folder named control in C:

  2. Right-click on control folder and select Properties

  3. Click on Security tab and then on Advanced button

  4. Click on Disable Inheritance button and then confirm clicking on Remove all inherited permissions from this object

  5. Click on Add button to add dante user permission. Then click on Select a principal link to open user form.

  6. Insert dante string in the object name field and click on OK button.

  7. Click on Full control checkbox and then click OK to confirm

  8. Repeat step 5 and 6 to add dafne user permission (modifying dante with dafne string in principal form). Then, leave the permissions as suggested (Read & execute, List folder contents and Read) and click on OK button

  9. Click on Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object checkbox and click on OK button

Now you have a folder suitable for containing the git repositories with DCS VIs.

Clone git repositories

To clone all needed repositories, simply open C:\control folder, right-click on the folder background and chose to open GIT GUI or GIT BASH. Then clone all needed repositories as dante user.

At the time of writing this article (2020-07-14) the repositories are the following:

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