DTFitter: environment
The same environment provided by the guide is suitable.
DTFitter: downloading and building the code
The source code for the DTFitter is stored in Baltig.
Since the source code of the DTFitter can be downloaded only by the authorized developers, credentials for Baltig are necessary.
The simplest way is using RSA keys, the public key must be uploaded into Baltig and the private key must be saved into ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
Once git client has been correctly configured the commands are:
git clone git@baltig.infn.it:muontomography/DTFitter.git cd DTFitter
The commands to build the code are:
cmake3 <path-to-source> make
<path-to-source> is the path to the CMakeLists.txt file in DTFitter directory, e.g.: /home/centos/DTFitter
The executable is found in the directory run/
DTFitter: running the code
The DTFitter application performs the reconstruction of tracks of the Drift Tubes (DT) detectors from:
- dataset produced with the castor-simulator software, see The OpenCMT Castor Simulator;
- dataset collected with the MUTOMCA apparatus.
Preliminary settings: the configuration file
All the input parameters needed to run the code must be set in a dedicated configuration file config.ini. A template of this file can be found in the utils/ directory and must be copied in the run/ directory. Now you can modify the config.ini file in your run/ directory.
General information
Variable Type Description runNumber int number that identifies the dataset to be analyzed rawDirName string path of the input file directory rawFileName_1 string name of the input DATA file for DET 0 (file 1_) rawFileName_2 string name of the input DATA file for DET 1 (file 2_) rawFileNameMC string name of the input MC file t0FileName string name of the file with the initial t0 (for DATA only) noiseFileName string name of the file with noisy channels (for DATA only) outputDirName string path of the output file directory, e.g. ../output outputFileName string name of the output file logFileName string name of the log file maxEventNumber int maximum number of events to be read Prototype
Variable Type Description detector int detector to be analyzed: 1 for DET 0 (file 1_ of DATA), 2 for DET 1 (file 2_ od DATA), or 4 for both - Execution mode
The application can be run in three different modes (please choose only one mode at each execution)
- Display mode: show event-per-event display
- Histogram mode: fill histograms for track reconstruction analysis, save them in a root output file and eventually display them at the end of execution
- TTree mode: fill a root TTree with the reconstructed track parameters and save them in a root output file
Variable Type Description display bool set to 1 to run in Display mode, 0 otherwise start uint first event to be visualized with display histos bool set to 1 to run in Histograms mode, 0 otherwise showHistos bool set to 1 to display the histograms at the end of execution ttree bool set to 1 to run in TTree mode, 0 otherwise Debugging
Variable Type Description debug bool set to 1 to dump debug messages Castor MC
Variable Type Description isCastorMC bool set to 1 for simulated datasets (0 not implemented for now) det0Rot float DET 0 rotation angle set in the simulation [deg] det1Rot float DET 1 rotation angle set in the simulation [deg] det0Dist float distance of DET 0 center from MC reference frame origin in (x,y) plane [cm] det1Dist float distance of DET 1 center from MC reference frame origin in (x,y) plane [cm] det0Z float z coordinate of DET 0 center in MC reference frame [cm] det1Z float z coordinate of DET 1 center in MC reference frame [cm] useTrueDriftTimes bool use true drift times for the fit (1), or smeared drift times (0)
generateNoise bool if true (1), generate randomly distributed noise hits
Variable Type Description minNHits int minimum number of hits accepted in a collection maxNHits int maximum number of hits accepted in a collection maxPattRecIter int maximum number of fit iterations for Pattern Recognition (PR) sigmaPR float 3*sigmaPR [mm] set the threshold to reject hits after the PR maxVertFitIter int maximum number of fit iterations for Vertical Fit (VF) sigmaVF float 3*sigmaVF [mm] set the threshold to reject hits after the VF maxDriftTimeFitIter int maximum number of fit iterations for the Drift Time Fit (DTF) sigmaDTF float 3*sigmaDTF [mm] set the threshold to reject hits after the DTF maxCHi2MinimizationIter int maximum number of iterations for the Chi2 minimization procedure in the DTF minDeltaChi2 float minimum value of the Chi2 variation between consecutive iterations needed to stop the Chi2 minimization procedure in the DTF reducedChi2Limit float threshold for Chi2/(n. points - 3): above this value, re-do the DTF with sigmaDTF/2
Preliminary settings: other input files
In order to analyze data, the following .txt files should be added in the /utils/ directory:
in /DTfitter/utils/T0Map/, a file containing the t0, tMin and tMax in ns calculated from the CMS SLs with this format:
[event ID] [t0 info] [t0 SL 0] [tMin SL 0] [tMax SL 0] [t0 SL 1] [tMin SL 1] [tMax SL 1]
where [t0 info] is set to MT if a mean timer is present in that event, otherwise to minSL if the minimum of the drift times of that event must be used. Run the Preprocess software with the flag 't0' to obtain a T0Map from un-processed SL data; run the macro utils/readT0FromSL.C to obtain the T0Map from processed SL data.
in /DTfitter/utils/NoiseMap/,a file containing information on eventual noisy channels, with this format:
[detector] [board ID] [channel ID] [SW layer ID] [SW tube ID]
where [detector] could be either DET0 or DET1.
Other files in the /DTfitter/utils/ directory are:
Space-Time_Parameters.txt: it contains the parameters of the polynomial used to describe the relation between drift distance and the drift time. It should be updated any time a new dataset is analyzed.
ChannelMapTubes.txt: it contains the channel map, that has the following format:
[board ID] [channel ID] [HW layer ID] [HW tube ID] [channel FW] [SW layer ID] [SW tube ID]
- DeadChannels.txt: it contains a list with the dead channels, with the same format of the noisy channels file.
The macro utils/readT0FromSL.C is used to read the output tree files from the PattRec software and get the input t0 for the reconstruction of drift tubes track. How to run (3 possibilities):
root 'readT0FromSL.C(runNumber)' root 'readT0FromSL.C(runNumber, nEvents)' root 'readT0FromSL.C(runNumber, nEvents, filePath)'
In the first case, the number of events to be read from the SL is set to 100M. You can set a different path for the input files. The T0Map file will be saved in the utils/T0Map/ directory.
The macro utils/readDTTree.C can be used as a template to read the output tree files from the DTfitter software itself. How to run:
root 'readDTTree.C(filePathAndName)'
How to run
cd run ./runDT