If a user already has an hpc account, it can skip this paragraph. Otherwise, some preliminary steps occur.
Download and fill in the access authorization form. If help is needed, please contact us at hpc-support@lists.cnaf.infn.it.
Send the form via mail to sysop@cnaf.infn.it and to user-support@lists.cnaf.infn.it
Once the account creation is completed, you will receive a confirmation email at the specified address. In that occasion, you will receive the credentials you need to access the cluster as well, i.e. username and temporary password.
First of all, it is necessary SSH into bastion.cnaf.infn.it with the own credentials.
Thereafter, access the HPC cluster logging into ui-hpc.cr.cnaf.infn.it from bastion. You have to use the same credentials you just used to log into bastion.
Your home directory will be: /home/HPC/<your_username>. The home folder is shared among all the cluster nodes.
No quotas are currently enforced on the home directories and about only 4TB are available in the /home partition. Quotas will be however enforced in the near future.
For support, contact us (hpc-support@lists.cnaf.infn.it or user-support@lists.cnaf.infn.it).