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In order to obtain access to CNAF computing resources, you first need to register to INFN-AAI, the INFN-wide authentication system.

How to request an INFN account

If you have SPID credentials or a CIE (Italian Electronic Identity Card), you can use one of them to register a new certified (Level of Assurance 2, LoA2) INFN-AAI identity without the need of performing any further identification procedure.

Conversely, you will need to first register an unverified (Level of Assurance 1LoA1) INFN-AAI identity and then proceed with the on-line identity verification process with a member of the CNAF user support team. This process will require the use of a webcam and a valid ID document.


We strongly recommend to use the SPID or CIE credentials, if you have one of them.

You can find more information on the procedure and the level of assurance at the following wiki page:

Registering using SPID or CIE

To register a new certified (LoA2) INFN-AAI identity using SPID or CIE credentials, please follow the next steps.

Connect to the INFN user portal at

The INFN identity check page will open. You can switch the language by clicking on the top right corner the desired one (IT or EN). Click either "Entra con SPiD" or "Entra con CIE" buttons, depending on the credentials you possess.

INFN AAI login page

You will be redirected to the SPID or CIE identity provider page, where you will be asked to enter your credentials. Please follow the instructions of your identity provider to complete the login process.

After the login process, you will see your profile page on the INFN user portal. If the page is in Italian and you need to change it to English, you can switch the language by clicking the "ita" button in the top right corner of the page.

INFN user portal profile page

Click on "Enabling requests" ("Abilitazioni", in Italian) on the left menu. In this page you will see all your requests.

The first switch, "Verify Identity", should be already active and you can now click on the "IT resources" switch to turn it on and press the "Next step" button.

Enabling requests page

In the opening page, fill in all the required data, read and accept the information note on the processing of personal data at INFN, then, click on the "Next step" button.

Personal information form and data processing note

You will be asked to choose the INFN site and the contact person that will approve your request to access INFN IT resources. Select "CNAF" as site and "Carmelo Pellegrino" as as contact personThen, click on the "Next step" button to proceed.

Selection of contact person and site for IT resources request approval

Read and accept the disciplinary regulation for the use of INFN IT resources and then click on the "Next step" button and submit your request.

You will now have to wait for the contact person to approve your request and assign a username. You can use the "Message to INFN contact" optional field to specify a preferred username and other information you may consider relevant.

Registering without SPID or CIE

 This procedure should be left only to those that do not have SPID or CIE credentials.

You have to first register a new un-verified (LoA1) INFN-AAI identity.

Connect to the INFN user portal at

The INFN identity check page will open. You can switch the language by clicking on the top right corner the desired one (IT or EN). Click on "Register" button.

INFN AAI login page

  1. Fill in all the required data and click on the "Register" button. Note that the "Italian tax code" field is mandatory only for Italian citizens

INFN AAI LoA1 account registration form

  1. You will see a confirmation message that your request has been received and an email has been sent to the address you just provided, with a link to proceed with the verification process.

Confirmation message of account request

  1. Please open your inbox (check the spam folder if the email is not there) and click on the link in the email.

Confirmation email of account request

  1. You will now see a new confirmation message but this time it will say that your unverified LoA1 account is active.

Confirmation message of account creation

  • Also an email will be sent to you with the confirmation that your account is now active.

Confirmation email of account creation

Once you have your unverified (LoA1) INFN-AAI identity you can proceed with the request of identity verification and access to IT resources.

INFN AAI login page

  • Click on "Enabling requests" ("Abilitazioni", in Italian) on the left menu

Enabling requests page

  1. In this page you will see all your request. Click both on the "Verify Identity" and "IT resources" switches to turn them on and the press the "Next step" button.
  2. In this new page, fill in all the required data, read and accept the information note on the processing of personal data at INFN. Then click on the "Next step" button.

Personal information form and data processing note

  1. Now you have to choose the INFN site where you want to verify your identity. Select
  2.  "CNAF" as site. You can also leave a message for the verification office, which may speed up the process. Click on the "Next step" button to proceed.

Selection of the site for identity verification

  • Next you have to choose the INFN site and the contact person that will approve your request to access INFN IT resources. Chose "CNAF" from the drop-down menu.Then, as contact name you have to choose Carmelo Pellegrino. Finally, click on the "Next step" button to proceed.

Selection of contact person and site for IT resources request approval

  • Read and accept the disciplinary regulation for the use of INFN IT resources and then click on the "Next step" button and submit your request.
  • You will now have to wait for both the verification office to get back to you to schedule the in-person verification and for the contact person to approve your request to use IT resources.
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